Chapter 3

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Heyyyy...... Eheheheheheh.......... OOPSIE SORRY IM NOT DEAD........??? *dodges thrown items*
Aaaaanyways, here's the story!!

Erica's POV

"Erica....? Are you alright...?"

I looked up at my Grandma, lifting my face from the pillow I was just screaming into. I sighed. "Yes, Grandma. I'm fine."

She looked at me doubtfully. "Alright, Dear. Dinner is about done. I do hope you can forget about the whole ordeal, that stupid funeral. The poor priest shouldn't of had to waste time like that on someone like Jasper." With that, and a deadly glare from me, she swiftly left the room.

You see, Jasper was gay. Gayer than a rainbow. His ex was there, too. That was why Grandma stayed in the van for the service. And why she had such a dislike of him. You know, her selfish ways. She disgusted me when she was like that. I was more than glad that she didn't know Jace was bisexual. Yet another reason I had to get her out of there.

But the funeral..... Harry.....

My mind flitted to the scene, making me blush, hard, and go back to my pillow screaming. Lately, I just haven't been able to get it out of my head. The way he held me.... He was just so.... Gentle. Something I had never expected out of a guy like him.

My phone buzzed, jerking me out of my thoughts. I snatched it from where it lay on my bed, turning it on. It was a text from Liam. I sat up, crisscrossed on the middle of my bed, opening the message.

Lima(as I have dubbed him): Hey, is it OK if I give Harry your #? I mean, he might just raid my phone and get it If I don't, but.... Can I, so that doesn't happen??

I chuckled at my cousin, sending back a quick: Sure, I guess. Either that or change his mother's #, so he can try to hook up with HER instead. And give me his, too.

I had a plan to dub him something like Harold. To piss him off, if he ever found out.

Lima: K

And his number after that. I giggled as I put him in my phone as "Harold", then left the phone there when I got the notification, going downstairs as I ate my dinner.

Harry's POV

I growled at my phone, lifting my arm to throw it, but stopping myself at the last second, considering I couldn't live without it. It's been 28 minutes and 39 seconds, and counting, since I last texted Erica. Without an answer. Was she ok? I mean, she couldn't have been asleep. It was only -I checked the time on my phone- 7:28. Maybe she was kidnapped. Or doing homework. But she was talking to Liam, just seconds before I had texted her. I mean, I had already raided his phone and gotten her number. I just had Liam see if it was ok. Which he was more than happy to do, for some reason. Weird.

I sighed deeply, flopping onto my bed, me phone in my hands. I looked at the messages I had sent Erica, willing her to answer back. All I had sent was 

Hey, it's Harry


You there??.

Suddenly, with a ding, as though it had actually worked, sounded from the device, and the first message Erica had ever sent me showed up.

Erica: Heeellloo!!!

I quickly answered back.

Hey Sweetness ;)

I bit my lip as I waited for her response. It toke a minute, but it came.

Erica: I'm Sweetness, huh? Then you are the sourest Sour Patch Kids 

I laughed lightly at her humor. This, I could tell, would be fun.

We messaged each other for hours, flirting and telling dumb jokes until we fell asleep on each other. And honestly, it was the best staying-up-late-and-texting-night my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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