Just a Normal Day

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Marinette's POV
I wake up happier than ever before. It's now the Christmas holidays! I pad over to my computer and whisper a merry Christmas to all my photos. I look through the news website and Alya's blog. I watch how Alya is estatic about my defeat of the last villain. I'm glad I asked her to interview Chat aswell, since we know we are a team but it doesn't seem have shown until recently. I couldn't have defeated any of the villains if it wasn't for Chat. He's an amazing person, though sometimes he seems to get distracted from the current bad situation. I reach for my phone as I spin over to my bed on my chair to text Alya about her Ladyblog. She instantly replies with a thanks and that it was cool being able to talk to Chat Noir.

I'm glad she took Ladybug's advice (aka mine). Then she says ' Do you know if Adrien opened his present or wether he is waiting till tomorrow'. Oh no. I have been meaning to give him that present all week! I told Alya I would give it to him yesterday but then someone got akumatised and so I forgot. What am I supposed to do now? I could put it through his mail box but the last time that happened it ended up being tagged as from his father. Moreover I want to give it in person so that it is a little more special. I guess I will have to go up to his house. But would he even be up yet? I don't really want to wake him up and be met with him in pyjamas and a bedhead. Though I'm sure he would still look perfect, it would be incredibly awkward for me and I would probably end up shoving it in his hands and running off like roadrunner.

It is 7am, which is slightly early for me to wake, considering I don't usually wake till 7.30 till 8 depending on wether or not I have had to be Ladybug. I decide to wait until 10am until I will go and deliver his present. I hope he likes it! We all saw Chloe's gift for him yesterday- a huge heart shaped photo frame, gold frame and a picture of her hugging him. Even he didn't look very happy about everyone from our class seeing it, since she decided to show off and give it to him just before class. Even the teacher said " Chloe, give your presents at a much better time than when we all have to see it." Even the teachers get tired of Chloe. I think we all do sometimes, even Sabrina has.

I nip off to have a long shower to make myself look nice and presentable for Adrien as well as to relax myself from being two different people. I choose my faveourite scents of shampoo, soap and conditioner- vanilla and strawberry. Then I pad out to set myself and towel dry my hair. I change into a Christmas sweater, blue jeans and change my hair ties to red bobbles with jingle bells on them. Christmas has got to be my faveourite holiday! It just seems so... magical! Tikki likes it too because I see she is wearing the little red and green scarf I made her for last Christmas.

I tread carefully down stairs to see if there are any pain au chocolats left from yesterday. I would love to have them fresh but my parents are already busy in the bakery and I don't want to disturb them. I feel slightly guilty from stealing them from the counter near the till but I know that they would soon replace them with fresh ones to have as back up when we run out on display. I take 3 upstairs, knowing Tikki will want some too. She still loves having cookies, especially my families', but she recently tried one and liked it too. I surf the internet as I munch, just looking at anything that comes to mind. I am looking at funny cat videos when I realise that it is already half past nine. Strange how when I am on the internet time seems to fly by but when on my phone it seems to drag forever. I plan to catch the bus to the Eiffel tower to sketch anything that I might create as a gift for anyone I need to. Maybe something for my parents?

I head down carefully, hoping not to get noticed by them. I don't want to answer a bunch of awkward questions. I see the bus has arrived early and have to sprint to catch it. I arrive just in time and manage to grab a seat to myself. I get out my sketch book and look through my previous presents. I made a headband with studs and roses for Rose, a black and neon purple bow for Juleka to wear in her hair and a bright, tie-dye tee for Nino. I also bought a present for Nathaniel, since he is sort of my friend. I made him a sketch pad with many sections of different colours and types of paper as well as slots to put in other drawings and stuff. I covered it in a range of different fabrics I have left over from other projects.
Now I get off and head off to find my inspiration for a gift for my parents.

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