Movie time!

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Adrien's POV
I feel the warmth pass over me in a wave as I take off my coat. It's very nice of Marinette to let me stay. Guiltily I think over that I did sort of want to stay. But not for too long. This change in weather seems actually very lucky! The smell of baking and a variety of sweet things washes over me.

"Y-you can put your coat up on the banister and your boots under the stairs," Marinette says, with barely a stutter.


"So ummmm. What would you ugh like to do???" Marinette asks awkwardly.

"I don't mind," I reply. I'm happy to do anything here.

"I don't think the weather is going to change soon so ugh how about.......... a movie?!"

"That sounds good. We could easily pause it to check outside. Doesn't your bedroom have a balcony? It would be clear to see instead of wandering around looking for a window."Why did I say that?!?!?!?! Her face flushes deep red. I really wish I hadn't said that. I do remeber that her bedroom has big windows but I didn't have to say it!

"Y-yeah. Yes it does. Then we will watch it there, I have two chairs there and I can download any movie onto my computer. W-what movie?" I see her face change into some kind of panick as she mentions her room.

"Whatever movies you enjoy." I say as casually as possible even though I would like to know what kind she does like. I wonder of she likes the same as me: sci-fi or superheroes or anything with action.

"How about guardians of the galaxy? It's one of my favourites."
"I love that one too! That one it is then." I'm pretty glad we like the same movie.
Marinette's POV

His smile makes me light up a little inside. I really hoped he liked those kind of movies. Now I think over how I am going to spend nealry two hours with Adrien with no one to ruin it! Wait. We are going to be in my room. My room! Covered in photos of him. Oh no! I can't let him see that!

"Uhh I think you can find some snacks in the cupboards around there. I'm just going to.... tidy up."

"Any preferences?"
"Whatever you like. You are my guest, it's your choice." I smile and head up, half to him half to myself for achieving this! When I reach my room I immediately but carefully take down all my posters of Adrien and make the bed. Then I realise that the homescreen on my computer has him on it too as I am looking for somewhere to put the posters. I keep onto the chair nearest the screen, posters in my mouth so that if he comes up with no warning he won't find himself on my computer.

"Is it alright if I come up yet??" I hear him shout.
"Ummmm fekond." I try to say ' one second' but my mouth is filled with paper.

"Huh?" I hear footsteps coming up to the room. I panick and accidently close the settings menu. As I bring it up again he comes in, bowls in hand full of crisps and cookies. He just stands and looks at me funnily. I try not to laugh at his cute but funny confused face. I don't blame him. I probably look incredibly weird right now: hastily clicking on my computer, a bunch of papers in my mouth. I quickly change my homescreen to a pic of Groot and his famous saying ' I am Groot'. I quickly shove the posters into a draw in my desk before he sees them.

"Nice homescreen," he comments. Phew! I'm glad he didn't question my previous activity.

"Thanks. I just need to find the movie and we can get started." I am finding it easier to talk to him now! Yay! At least he won't see me as a stuttering wreck.

"Ok. Where can I put these?"
"Just anywhere on the desk. "I start searching for the movie as he walks to side of me with the bowls. I can't wait to start this movie! Especially with Adrien.

Adrien's POV
As we settle down into the chairs I feel glee rise up in me. Me and Marinette haven't been together alone before, apart from when we trained for the gaming tournament. I had no idea she was so good! She turns off the lights as the movie starts. I catch her lip syncing the song at the start and we both and up having a short concert together. We soon stop laughing because it starts of sad. We both laugh at the same parts and make similar comments. Each time there is a song on we both start lip syncing, just loving the songs all the way through. I forget to check the weather because we are both glued to the screen. We both give a little 'hurrah!' at the end when it all ends well. It feels as if the moment was too short, even if we talked all through the credits about the story plot until we saw the bit at the end with the duck. I felt some sparks fly as we watched and I couldn't help glancing at her throughout the movie.

Now that it is over I find that somehow the chairs are closer together than before, even though I didn't move mine. My first thought is Plagg. I don't know why but it seems the thing he would do even if he knows I love Ladybug. Marinette goes up to turn the lights back on and everything seem back to how it was before the movie.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes. It was fun watching it with you Marinette. Thanks for that." I see her blush slightly at this. I glance at her window now. I see snow piled everywhere, everything covered in the white blanket. But there is no more wind or flurries. That means I will have to go.

"Its cleared up outside so I will need to call home. I've forgotten to bring my phone though. Do you have a phone I could use?" I inform Marinette.

"Ughhhh yeah. You could use the home phone if that's alright."

"Ok." We go into her living room to find where it is. I've only been in her living room once when I helped with the Chinese chef and I've been here when I was Chat Noir too. So I glance around to see if anything has changed.

"Here it is!" Marinette calls, standing by the yellow phone on the wall.

"Ok." I say standing next to her, punching in the numbers. I hold the phone up to my ear but I soon go to automessage. The chauffeur must be taking father somewhere.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to walk home."

"Oh ugh ok." Marinette heads to the stairs as I go to put my coat on. She brings me my boots, smiling and happy.

"Well ugh bye then. I hope you enjoyed it."

"Oh you know I did Marinette. Thanks for the great time," I reply, pulling her into a hug. Then I head out the door, cheeks flushed but still very happy.

Ok so I only found this out two days ago but Miraculous Ladybug is on British television! It's on Disney channel and on weekdays it is on at 6.00 am and weekends it's on at 8.30am and 6.00pm. YAY ! Unfortunately the episodes aren't in order but it's cool that it's on British tv- I had no idea until Friday morning when I found it! Yay!:)

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