Time For Action!

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Ladybug's POV
I hear many voices around me. All apart from Chat's. Where is he? Is he alright?! I walk around, hoping to find him. Will his night vision work in this? This... fog is different from the darkness at night. It's engulfing, choking and it seems to be different than any normal fog or mist. I soon sense someone in front of me amidst the chaos around. Could it be him? All of a sudden, I stumble and feel my feet go underneath me.
"Huh!" I exclaim as I fall. I see the fog move in front of me. I find myself not on the ground but with strong arms supporting mine, hands on my elbows which a few seconds ago were hastily waving around in front of me. I look up to see who stopped me from falling. I meet a familiar pair of green eyes and I am lost for words.
"Ladybug?! I'm so glad we found each other!" No puns, no jokes. Just genuine concern. I feel my cheeks heat up a little as I see his worry.
"I-I'm glad you were there to stop me from falling!" I reply with a smile, hoping to reassure him. I realise he is still holding me. I stare back at him and feel my heart flutter a little. I see something flicker in his eyes before he lets go. We both become silent as we look around. What can we do? Then, I feel some kind of movement behind me. The air rushes by my ear and for a split second I feel something like a cold hand by my earring.
"Watch out! The grinch is going to get your earrings!" I swing round and come face to face with a familiar green face from one of my most favourite Christmas movies. The Grinch. Though not for long. It has very fast reflexes and as soon as I have turned around it goes for Chat Noir.
"Now you watch you out!!!" The monster leaps on top of him, causing him to fall to the ground, hastily trying to get it off him but also trying to stop it snatching his ring. I swing my yoyo around the monster's waist and fling it back. Chat gets up instantly, staff at the ready.
"Well thank you my lady!"
"No problem, now let's find where it's Akuma could be!" But first if all, where did the monster go?
Chat Noir's POV
Phew! That was a close one! I think over what the grinch looked like. It has a red Santa suit on, but nothing out of the ordinary. Wait! I remember seeing something shiny around its neck! Maybe that's where the Akuma is!
"I saw some kind of necklace or pendant around its neck- maybe that's where it is."
"Hmmm. That's gonna be difficult to get but I'm sure we can do this!" I admire how quickly she gets back on track. She truly is amazing, just like when I first met her- when we first stood up to Hawkmoth.
"Well this is a catastrophe! Where did it go?"
"Who knows? Let's get out if this fog first! Can you see with your night vision?"
"Afraid not my lady." What can we do? I need to save a cataclysm till we are out of this fog, otherwise if I miss or something goes wrong I could accidently reveal my identity. No matter how much I want her to know, I respect that she doesn't want to know. Hmmmm. Wait! I remember being able to see a little when the fog moved. It became lighter and I could see just in from of me.
"When the fog moved-"
"It became lighter!" She finished my sentence! We must be made for each other! Anyway, I need to snap out of the daydream and get out of here!
"I'll use my staff!"
"And I'll use my yoyo! Let's go!" She adds with enthusiasm. As I have the fog I grab her wrist of the arm that isn't controlling the yoyo.
"I don't want to get you lost! We can't let it get that close again!" I explain but she hasn't pulled away at all. She seem a to understand and grabs my wrist back. We run forward, weapons swinging.
Ladybug's POV
We seem to be getting nowhere! This fog is never ending! But now that I think this I see something strange up ahead. It seems like the fog is up in a straight line; like a wall.
"Brace yourself Chat! You might need to use a cataclysm- if its solid!" We run together, ready for some kind of impact. It looks solid! As I cover my face and part of his with my yoyo he does the same with his staff. We get nearer. Soon we get extremely close and I expect to hit something solid. Any second now...
"Ooof!" We run straight through this fog but we end up on the ground. I hear Chat exclaim as we got the ground. I realise our hands are still around each others wrists. I get up on one knee and help him up as I get up.
"Thanks princess!"
"No problem. Now lets try to find that grinch!"
"But how?!" Mmmm. Good question. Oh I know! We could use the same plan we did with Mr.Pigeon!
"I know! If I stand outside of somewhere and you hide inside the grinch will come for me. I'll need you to then use a cataclysm to trap it. I can then destroy where the Akuma is and cleanse it." I want to be the bait this time, since he was bait last time we did this. I just hope this works!
"That plan sounds like it would work!"
"Then let's go!" I add with a smile. We leap over buildings until we reach the front of a shop that hasn't been destroyed. I chose this one because I don't think there will be many Christmas things, if there are any at all. Chat runs inside and hides behind a manequin. I stand outside and wait. Seconds later I see a familiar figure on top of one of the buildings. The grinch. It soon turns and looks at me with eyes as black as coal. It runs in a flash towards me and I prepare to fight.
Chat Noir's POV
It's so hard not to run out there and help her fight but I know that I will come to her aid. Just later.
That grinch is putting up a good fight! And it seems to be going nowhere when suddenly Ladybug cried out "Chat come! I need help with this thing!" I spring instantly into action. I leap out of the shop, staff above my head. I use it to block the grinch away from her. But instead of it fighting back it just stood there. It looked straight at me, eyes burning: frozen. I am close enough to reach out and grab its neckalce. I'm sure the Akuma is in the candy cane pendant!
"No Chat! Lucky charm!" We shout simultaneously. The grinch has a purple outline like a mask around it. We need to free it from Hawkmoth's grasp!

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