Chapter Four

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Harry’s POV

I wake up in an uncomfortable hospital bed. Yesterday was more than eventful. I honestly don’t know how I got here. Not at the hospital, but in this entire situation. Friendless, homeless, and on suicide watch. This isn’t the life I wanted, but then again, I wasn’t supposed to be alive anymore in general. There’s a knock at my door and I sit up. A nurse walks in and she hands me a tray of breakfast, with medication next to it.

“The doctor wanted me to start you on your anti-depressants today.” I nod and she gives me a smile before turning to walk out the door. “Oh and you have two visitors waiting for you.”

“You can send them in.” I force a smile and take my medication. I close my eyes as I drink back the orange juice only to almost spit it out, when I see who my visitors are. “Zayn? Niall?”

“Hey Harry.” Niall smiles and walks over to me first wrapping me into a tight hug. Zayn is right behind him, giving me the same bone crushing hug that Niall did.

“Don’t ever do this again.” Zayn whispers so only I can hear and I nod.

“How are you all doing?”

“Fine.” Niall smiles showing off his perfectly straight teeth, due to his braces being removed.

I look him over and see how age has affected him. His face is more mature.His hair is now his natural hair color of brown. But his eyes are the exact same bright blue as they were five years ago.

“Surviving.” Zayn speaks while shrugging his shoulders.

I look at Zayn and he looks the exact same. His perfectly structured jaw line. His raven colored hair. The only difference is the light facial hair he has growing in. And his eyes. They are still the same golden brown, but they have no light in them. Almost as if they are dead.

“Zayn, when you get a chance, will you tell Janelle thank you for everything she did for me.” I smile and watch a slight scowl pass through my once best friends face but he nods.

“Of course.”

“So how are you two. The both of you with your relationships?” I ask motioning for them to sit on the bed next to me. Niall does and Zayn pulls the chair that is in the room up to my bed.

“Me and Nicole are fine.” Niall smiles and I do the same.

And then I look at Zayn and see he has that same scowl, but has tears forming in his eyes. I go to speak but Niall puts his hand on mine, while shaking his head.

“I’m sorry Z.” I speak and Zayn just nods his head.

“It just... wasn’t meant to be... I guess.”

“How are you feeling Harry?” Niall asks trying to change the subject.

“Better. It’s just... It was really hard... You know?” I speak with my voice cracking.

“Harry you could have tried to call us.” Zayn whispers and I shake my head.

“You wouldn’t have come. That’s why I hadn’t heard from you in so long. We can say all these nice things to each other now, but this our first time even seeing each other in the same room for five years.” My words come out rushed but I know they both caught what I was saying.

“We would have tried.” Niall whispers but before I can speak there is a knock at the door.

“Sorry, but Mr. Styles has to start his therapy treatments at this time.” The same nurse speaks and Zayn and Niall nod.

“We will come back to see you yeah?” Zayn smiles giving me a hug after Niall.

“Yeah.” I wave as the exit the room and right after Nicole walks in.

“How you feeling today Harry?”

“A lot better actually.” I smile and she returns it.

“That’s really good.”

“Niall and Zayn just came to see me.” Nicole nods, obviously knowing.

“I know. I told Niall you were here. He really missed you.”

“Yeah? I’ve missed them too. But I’m worrying for Zayn.” I shake my head and Nicole eyes me oddly.

“What do you mean?”

“He and Janelle aren’t doing so well. I think they are getting a divorce.”

“What! Why didn’t she tell me that, yesterday when I saw her and...” Nic trails off and her eyes dart to mine.

“I saw her yesterday Nicole.” I speak closing my eyes for a few seconds, imagining Megan’s face.

“What?” Nicole spits bringing me back to reality.

“Megan came to see me.”

“I told her... No. I can’t get into this right now. Harry I have to tell you something.” Nic sighs and walks over to me, sitting on the edge of my bed.

“What is it?”

“Harry, I can’t be your therapist.” I watch as she bites her lip waiting for my response.

“What do you mean you can’t be my therapist! Why not?”

“I know you Harry.” Nicole shakes her head.

“So what.”

“I can not legally be your therapist, because we are... were friends. And really close at that. My personal opinion can affect my clinical.”

“I know you would be able to tell the difference Nic.” I try my best to give her a reassuring grin.

“But that’s the thing. I won’t. Did you not see how I reacted when you brought up Megan? I can tell you to stay away from her, because she is a trigger, which she is. But if something happened to you. God forbid. And it went to court, I could be in deep shit, because I know your past relationship on a personal scale.”

“So that’s it? You’re just dumping me off to some other doctor?”

“Not technically.”

"What do you...” I go to speak but the door opening cuts me off. “Liam?”

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