Chapter Seventeen

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(A/N I know I know my apologies mean shit but I really am sorry!!! I really hope this chapter makes up for the long wait!!! Xx)

Zayn’s POV

This isn’t our first one. We’ve been coming here for almost a month now and I guess things are better. At least a little bit. The counseling sessions seem to give us a little more light on our situation. And ourselves for that matter.

“So how have you two been doing?” Our counselor speaks.

“Alright.” Janelle shrugs and I nod.

“Just alright?” He questions and I sigh.

“Well other than the fact that Janelle hasn’t been home much, but…”

“You know why I haven’t been home that much Zayn.” She speaks and I roll my eyes.

“If you would have let me finish my sentence, which you never do…”

“Yes I do!”

“You just cut me off again.” We glare at one another.

“Ok, ok, ok. Let’s all calm down.” Our counselor speaks and I take a deep breath, looking away from Janelle. “Now I would like to play a game with you two. I want you to say how you’re feeling, in one word, to each other. Alright?”

“Alright.” We speak at the same time, and he chuckled.

“Zayn why don’t you go first.”

“Ok. Um… Annoyed?” I speak as if it’s a question and Janelle rolls her eyes.










“Heartbroken.” When I speak this last word, she looks away.

“Janelle?” Our counselor asks and she shakes her head, still looking down.

“I’m sorry.. I just…”

“It’s ok. That was really good. You both did really well.” He smiles at us and I nod, but keep my eyes trained on Janelle who is wiping tears away. “I have something that I do for all of my couples. I would love for you two to go on a date this evening at a restaurant. I will arrange everything and the dinner will be paid for so don’t worry about that. You will arrive at eight o’clock. Separately.”

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