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This is a big, big, biggie. Fanfic or not, readers are attracted to originality. They're looking for something different, that diamond in the rough among all of the 1,000+ fanfics. Because let's face it, at some point or another, all the fanfics are gonna start sounding the same. And that'll get annoying after a time. I know this well.


*Observe. Skim a few fanfics, get your feelers out. What do you see? What's common? What makes one story more popular over the other? This doesn't mean you need to include the things you see. You decide what goes into the story. You decide how it works and what goes into it.

*Dare to be different. People are always looking to be wowed. They want something that will rip the rug out from under their feet (in a good way) and make them enjoy the twist. Seek out an idea that has never been done before. Even though originality is very hard to come by these days, it's still there. It's just hidden is all.

*The border between ridiculous and reality, watch it. 

Supernatural provides us with a lot of whacked out, creepy, weird things

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Supernatural provides us with a lot of whacked out, creepy, weird things. But there is such a thing as too weird. There is such a thing as too ridiculous. Don't try to be like Marie in "Fan Fiction" and have your story turn into something that involves the brothers, oh, I don't know, getting sent out to outer-space or something.

 Don't try to be like Marie in "Fan Fiction" and have your story turn into something that involves the brothers, oh, I don't know, getting sent out to outer-space or something

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Bottom line, if it doesn't make sense or doesn't fit your story, it's probably best to just throw that idea into the trash and never touch it again.

*Make your fanfic be the one everyone wants to read. Whether it's a daughter!fic, sis!fic, Destiel, Samifer, what have you, make it stand out. Find a niche, an angle, that will separate you from the others. Make memorable moments, ones that your readers won't forget. Write something that they'll want to recommend to others because it's a very good fanfic. Hell, even a quote can mean something.

*has traumatic Twist and Shout feels* (P.S., if you've never read that Destiel fanfic, do it. It'll kill your heart, but you'll love it. I couldn't finish it, I had to skim the ending. I never do that. I was consumed by feels.)

Thinker: What's the most ridiculous thing you've seen in a Supernatural fanfic? (The weirder, the better!)

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