Rey and Mercedes Martinez

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Being a teenager isn't all that easy. Especially when you're me. I have always had a few close friends but I've always been "the weird girl". I have a strange obsession with all things supernatural... I believe vampires are real, I mean the biggest trick they could play on humanity is to make us think they don't exist right? Werewolves too! It's just kinda stupid that the world is so naive, it can't accept that something strange could be real. I have always had a firm belief that fiction exists because we can no longer believe in the impossible.

Being the strange girl I am I naturally had a curiosity about the new kids in school. They had an air about them that was unnatural. I had to find out more.

I was at my locker getting my books about to head to class when my best friend Maile ran up to me. She was pretty cute looking with brown hair in tight curls. She had big brown puppy dog eyes and petite features. She always dressed nicely, today she was in a mini-skirt with mary janes and a white button-up with a vest over it. She had that whole 'innocent girl' look going for her.

 "Oh. Em. Gee. Have you seen the new boys that just started?!" She shrieked excitedly.

Maile was always making a big deal out of the smallest things. I pushed a stray piece of my long, black hair behind my ear and let out an irritated sigh.

She slapped me playfully. "Seriously Tellie! You'll be into this news..." she lowered her voice as if she were telling me top secret information. "I heard they came from Salem Massachusetts... they could be like witches or something!" I could tell she was trying to keep me interested.

I shook my head at her, "Maile, it's warlocks for guys, witches for girls." I explained.

She waved my comment aside "Whatever. All I know is that they are seriously hot." I listened while Maile jabbered away in my ear. Honestly, I'm such a good friend, she was just a little too much for most people to handle. I knew Maile would never judge my strange interests though, she was one of the few people that knew about my peculiar obsession. Everyone else just thought I was creepy or weird because they would hear the rumors... I didn't think too much of the fact that I liked to go out to cemeteries to stay the night sometimes and I could often be found skulking about on a full moon.

I pulled my sketchbook out of my locker, put it in my bag and walked with Maile to first period. English with Mr. Reynolds, who liked to eat while he taught so it was necessary to be a couple rows back, otherwise you would get pelted with his food spittle. Maile and I met up with Kassie in first period.

Kassie came in strutting like she was a super model. She had blonde hair, green eyes and pouty lips; she was very much aware that she could date practically any guy she wanted. She showed off her assets with form fitting shirts and short shorts.

 We all sat in the back of the room at the long table that seated four people. No one else ever chose to sit at the fourth chair.  We would often get someone that would come by with no other choice but to either sit by us or Colin who smelled like cabbage. They would usually pick Colin.

 When we entered and found our seats Kassie started to gush over the new boys with Maile.

"Did you see what the black-haired one was wearing?! He had this, like, satanic symbol on his necklace." Kassie whispered to Maile while Mr. Reynolds droned on about the necessity of separation of church and state.

"What did it look like Kass?" I asked her. I was slightly interested in this new information...

"Okay, so it was this triangular pendant with a sun at the bottom and the moon on top... but the weird part is that there was a man in the middle... naked!" She said the last part loudly enough that Mr. Reynolds heard, stopped his rant and looked at us irritatedly.

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