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(AN: Quick Recap: Tellie found out that one of the students at her school, Penelope Brennon, was murdered, Palmer is planning on investigating it and asked if she wanted to come with him. The Shifters claim they had nothing to do with it. Hope y'all enjoy ;D)

Palmer and I decided to meet up that night to investigate who was behind Penelope's murder. I felt like there was something he wasn't telling me but I wasn't going to press the matter; I knew he wouldn't tell me anything. I ate my dinner with my family, told them I was going out and went out to my car at around seven o' clock. Palmer was already waiting for me outside, leaning against my passenger side.

"Finally! I've been waiting for about ten minutes, did you have to get all dolled up to come with me tonight?" he teased.

I scoffed at his comment, "No, I actually have a life unlike you Palmer. I have a family I have to eat dinner with every night."

I heard what I would swear sounded like a growl rumble in his chest as he got into my car. "Why won't you let me drive?" he protested.

"Like I'm going to let you drive my car! Number one; you could be taking me out to a secluded area to try and seduce me and number two; you could be a crazy drive, which wouldn't surprise me."

He turned to look at me deviously, "So I have to try to seduce you now? I figured you just would fall for me helplessly, I've really got my work cut out for me don't I?"

I started my car and shook my head at him. "Whatever Palmer, just tell me where we are going."

He laughed, "Alright ice queen, we're going to highway ninety-six; we need to go to the place where they found the bodies, I need to-er-look around a bit." he told me cryptically.

"Alright..." I replied.

When we got to the spot where they found Penelope's body, there were police officers patrolling the area and yellow tape around the site where they found the body.

"Crap." I heard Palmer say under his breath.

"We won't be able to look around will we?" I questioned.

He shook his head no and we drove past the site.

I had a thought, "Well what if we park ahead of there and make a distraction?" I offered.

His eyes lit up at the thought, "You are full of surprises babe. Alright, you go into the woods and start making noises, try not to get caught, and I'll go check out the crime scene." We both agreed on this and I set off into the woods to make a distraction so Palmer could check things out.

When I got a little ways behind the crime scene I started to climb up a tree. I perched myself high up on a sturdy branch and got out the rape whistle my father had slipped into my bag this morning. I blew as hard and loud as I could and I could hear the police officers a little ways off talking into their radios and running towards where I was hiding. I pulled my legs up quickly and sat as still as I could. They ran right underneath me and had their guns drawn looking around suspiciously.

One turned to the other, "Reyes, where do you think that came from?"

The other replied, "Not sure, sounded like it was back here though. Think we should head back? We have to keep an eye on the crime scene until CSI gets here."

They nodded to each other and started back to the site. I felt like I had given Palmer a good couple minutes to examine the site and started to climb out of the tree slowly. When I reached the bottom I took of at a sprint towards my car, I wasn't going to take any chances at getting caught out here. My dad would kill me if he found out.

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