Palmer's Selfless Act

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(AN: Recap after way too long having not written a chapter. This story centers on a teenage girl named Tellie who has an extraordinary gift; she can see and talk to the dead. Her gift hasn’t fully been explained yet in the book, but don’t worry it’s coming. She’s met a group of teenagers at her school (Rey, Mercedes, Palmer and Fiona Renee) who she found out are Shifters (shape shifters). They use spirit wolf guides to balance and access their power during the various phases of the moon. These teens are part of a ‘clan’ that Tellie has met and is learning more and more about them, including all of their secrets. Tellie has been able to talk and communicate with a dead classmate named Penelope who was murdered by a Sauria which is a type of vampire. The most vicious of all vampires. The vampire called her a Spirit Seeker, though neither Tellie nor any of the Shifters know what that means yet and they can’t ask the Sauria what it means since he died right in front of them by mysterious causes. In previous chapters we found out that some of the Shifters have gifts or talents that they earned during a selfless act. We know for sure that Rey has one, but it’s not clear how he got his.  When we last saw Tellie she had just kissed Palmer in Lake Legwardia, right after they both had the feeling they were being watched. The question is… by whom? ***There's more violence than usual in this chapter*** I’m going to start this chapter with a quick excerpt from the previous one so it’s easier to start off.)

I turned and swam away from him but he was too fast for me and ended up directly in front me. He smiled; he liked this game because he knew he would win. He started to swim a little closer to me and I instantly tensed up when I could feel his breath against my face. Gently he pushed a chunk of hair back behind my ear and just looked at me. I couldn’t help but shiver at the touch of his hand. His eyes were scanning my face looking for a hint as to what I was thinking but all I could do was just stare back at him. I felt his hand come around the back of my head and he leaned in to kiss me. It was definitely everything I hoped it would be. He was so gentle and his lips were so warm. Our lips fit together perfectly and when he pulled away my stomach was in knots. When I opened my eyes he was smiling at me triumphantly.

“I knew you liked me.” He teased.

I slapped his arm, “I really hope that I’m not a conquest for you Palmer. I won’t stand for it.”

“I guess you’ll just have to find out.” He said with a wink.

He made me mad and excited at the same time. He was full of so much mystery that I’d never experienced before in my entire life. I wanted to know more about him. I wanted him to know me… but at what cost?

I started to swim away from him back towards the boat and I heard him following closely behind me in the dark water. He swam closer and grabbed my arm to turn me to face him. “I won’t hurt you Tellie. I would never want you to hurt. Honestly, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing here with you… I don’t understand how any of this is happening. It feels like I’m flying at a hundred miles an hour down a highway with broken headlights and the only thing holding me back from driving right off a cliff is you. I wouldn’t give that up for anything. I know this is way too fast and forward for you to understand but that’s the best way I can put it into words for you. Just trust me, okay?” His eyes pleaded with me and I couldn’t help but believe every word he said.

I nodded my understanding, “I trust you.”

When we were all back in the boat Maile and Kassie had the same triumphant smiles they always wore when they knew they were right. I stuck my tongue out at them and they suppressed their girly giggles.

“So you came from Massachusetts right?” Josh asked Palmer trying to make conversation.

Palmer nodded and pushed his hair back with his hand. “Yeah it was a hell of a commute.”

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