Unknown ~TaeKook~

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Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung have been best friends since birth. Jeon Jungkook as been in love with Kim Taehyung since the moment he fell atop of him when they were messing around. 

Sad thing was, Kim Taehyung was massively homophobic and would be disgusted whenever he saw two men or two women share affection. 

He allowed Jeon Jungkook to do certain things, to hold his hands, to hug him. And he was fine with it because it's what they had always done, and he thought Jeon Jungkook meant nothing behind it. 

But Jeon Jungkook mean everything behind it, he would go crazy on Kim Taehyung's little touch. He would be so happy if Kim Taehyung would return the gesture. 

But then one day, Kim Taehyung got a girlfriend. Jeon Jungkook immediately hated her, and not only for taking his love, but because she was the biggest slut of the school. 

Kim Taehyung was too drunk in love for him to notice Jeon Jungkook's strange behavior. Jeon Jungkook was not okay with this. 

Kim Taehyung's girlfriend knew everything. She knew about Jeon Jungkook's little crush, and she was planning on exposing Jeon Jungkook's little secret, if he didn't stay away from Kim Taehyung. 

So, to protect his secret from his best friend, Jeon Jungkook stayed away from Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung was wondering what was happening, but he stayed with his girlfriend. 

Years after high school and they were still together. Jeon Jungkook only saying hello when they passed on the street or when it was Kim Taehyung or his girlfriend's birthday. 

And it was killing Jeon Jungkook that he couldn't see his best friend. And slowly, it started killing Kim Taehyung that he couldn't see his either. 

Kim Taehyung wanted to tell Jeon Jungkook something very important. So one day, when Kim Taehyung saw Jeon Jungkook on the street, he pulled them to the park they used to always play at.

He noticed something was very different about Jeon Jungkook. How he didn't have the same spark in his eyes, how he had bags under them as well. 

Jeon Jungkook gave Kim Taehyung a sad smile, he was happy to see his best friend again, but didn't know what to do because they had been apart for so long. 

Then, Kim Taehyung broke the news. "I'm asking her to marry me. And I want you as my best man." But Jeon Jungkook refused, "I can't possibly. We aren't even close anymore. Find someone better." 

He was broken, and Kim Taehyung could hear it in his voice. Jeon Jungkook walked away, tears threatening to spill out as he still loved his best friend. 

Kim Taehyung was hurt, and for something more than what Jeon Jungkook had just said. To Kim Taehyung, it felt as if his entire world split in two. 

But he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he just brushed it off. He went to the wedding ring shop and found the perfect one for his soon to be fiance.  

He bought a box and planned everything out. He took his girlfriend out to dinner, not expecting Jungkook to be the waiter. He saw Jeon Jungkook run out when he saw a little bit of the box. 

"Excuse me a minute." He said as he ran after Jeon Jungkook. He caught up with him and found him looking at the traffic. "Jungkook! What's the matter?" Kim Taehyung shouted. 

"Taehyung. I've loved you from the moment you fell on top of me at the park. I've never told you because you were very homophobic. And I stopped talking to you because she threatened to tell." 

Jeon Jungkook then ran out into traffic and Kim Taehyung fell to his knees sobbing because his best friend had just killed himself. And he thought that maybe, just maybe

He loved Jeon Jungkook too. 

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