Chapter 5 Smoke clouds and Ugly faces

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Chapter 5

After work, Devlin drove Paisley home, and then went on her way home. It was ten at night by the time she pulled into her driveway, and all the lights in her house were off; everyone had already gone to bed. Grabbing her book bag, and her keys from the ignition, Devlin locked her car and made her way into her house, all while shaking her head at the hideous green color that colored its panels.

"I told him it was going to look hideous" she said to herself as she unlocked the front door.

It was only just last week that her father had finished the new paint job on the outside of the house. Of course the green was better than what her mother wanted the house color to be; pink! Devlin cringed at just the thought. Her mother was obsessed with everything pink, so much that the color gave Devlin a headache whenever she saw it. She was just thankful that her mother hadn't insisted on painting her bedroom pink. Oh Devlin's mother did indeed try, but that was an argument well lost when it came down to it. There was no way Devlin would allow her mother to corrupt her room to look like someone vomited pink fluff on her walls.

Devlin made a stop to the kitchen and grabbed an apple juicy juice box and a small pack of pretzels before treading her way up the stairs to her room. Flicking on the light in her room, Devlin closed the door with her foot and proceeded to drop her bag onto the floor, and plop herself onto her bed. She sighed and made herself comfortable, ignoring her phone when it suddenly vibrated in her pocket. Exhausted from the day, Devlin placed her pretzels and juice box onto her bedside table and buried her head into her soft pillow, groaning at the amazing feeling of finally being able to relax after school and work.

Just as she felt sleep creeping upon her, once more her phone gave a vibrate from the pocket of her pants, and cursing quietly, Devlin slipped the phone out and opened the text message she had received.

Eric/Asshat -Luca's mother wants to meet up tomorrow after school. Call your boss tomorrow and see if you can switch shifts with someone for work. It is a mandatory meeting. No ifs, ands, or buts!

Glaring down at her phone, Devlin fought the urge to walk over to Eric's house and kick his teeth in, just to piss him off. Instead, deciding to be a good friend, Devlin gave back a usual smart ass reply.

ME(Almighty Awesome One) - IF I were to even consider switching shifts, it would be only in the case that most benefited me. AND, I am soo not going to sit in a confined room with both you, Luca and his mommy, BUT if you make a nice offer(a bribe douchebag) I might be swayed into giving in.

It took only a matter of second for Eric to reply.

Asshat - You sneaky SOB. Alright, if you come to the meeting, on time, I will grant one favor/deed to whatever your heart desires.

Almighty Awesome One - Make it three, and you've got yourself a deal!

Asshat - Two!

Almighty Awesome One - Three or no deal!

Asshat - You're pushing your luck kid, but fine. We have a deal.

Devlin rolled her eyes at Eric's text and proceeded to toss her phone onto her end table after silencing it. Within five minutes Devlin was asleep.


Sometime in the night Devlin woke up and turned to her window at the sound of scratching on the glass. Flicking her eyes over to look at the time, she saw it was two in the morning. Switching her gaze over to her window, Devlin pulled the covers cocooning her body, closer to her chin and searched for the source of the noise. At that moment the scratching stopped, but Devlin couldn't help but shiver as the room seemed to get uncomfortably colder.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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