Chapter 4: Convos and Crushes

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Chapter 4: 

The boy doesn’t seem to shut up. Devlin, head resting in her palm, nodded every so often as Julian supplied a never ending conversation as she thought this. Julian was a chatterbox, through the whole period he talked and he talked about the most random things anyone could think of, like at one point he started asking Paisley if using tampons made girls uncomfortable. He also wanted to know if pads made girls feel taller because of the thickness.

Devlin, uneasy about Julian’s questions, remained quiet as Paisley confidently answered them back. The whole photo class, everyone sat and talked because there was a substitute who didn’t have any idea what the class was supposed to be doing. She decided to give everyone the class as a study hall for the day. That’s how the conversations began and continued. Julian, finished telling his story about the time when his mom took the wrong kid home instead of his brother, turned to Devlin and gave her a pointed gaze.

 “Red, why are you so quiet?”

 Paisley laughed at his question. “Devlin’s always quiet in school.”

A smirk crossed Julian’s face and he folded his arms across his chest. “Really, because today I’m pretty sure I heard Red here throwing a fit in the counselor’s office.”

Luca, who had been busy scribbling in a sketch book, looked in Devlin’s direction with a raised eyebrow. “You yelled at the counselor?” he asked, shocking Devlin at the notion that he actually spoke to her. She then proceeded to blush at having been heard in Eric’s office.

 “Dev is usually only like that, the loud obnoxious person, when she is around people she is either comfortable with or someone she knows well.” Paisley told Julian, and then shot a glare at Luca who returned the favor.

“You’re comfortable with the counselor enough to yell at him?” Julian asked wearing a confused expression.

“Eric’s been my best friend since forever. He’s also my neighbor, so yes I am comfortable with the counselor.”

            “Just friends?” Julian grinned as Devlin nodded fiercely as her cheeks turned red again.

 “Only friends. That would be way too gross anyways considering I look at him like an older brother.”

Paisley scoffed at Devlin and looked at Julian, jabbing a thumb in Devlin’s direction. “Devlin is oblivious to the fact that they are going to get married one day and make beautiful babies. Eric has already admitted his feelings to Devlin, and she turned him down because she’s afraid of commitment.”

            Devlin stared in shock at her best friend who had so openly told someone they just met today her story about Eric and her. “Pais!” She cried out, grabbing some attention from other students. “Why would you tell someone about that! You know it’s supposed to be keep quiet!”

Paisley waved her hand in the hand dismissing Devlin’s words. “You don’t want to tell anyone because you know word will spread to your mother and she’ll start planning a wedding!” Paisley then looked in Luca’s direction, who had remained silent during the conversation. “So jackass, I have a bone to pick with you.”

Devlin, who had been mulling over her thoughts sulkily, suddenly paled considerably at Paisley’s words. She quickly grabbed onto Paisley’s arm and shook her firmly trying to get her attention. She knew what Paisley was about to do, and it wasn’t something she was comfortable with. For one thing, Paisley’s confrontations were always long and embarrassing as they usually involved Devlin in some way. And second, Paisley always got out of hand.

            Luca slowly raised his head and looked at Paisley and Devlin with chilling blue eyes that stopped Devlin’s motion. They locked eyes, and Devlin found it hard not to swoon at his good looks. His eyes were so beautiful, and one glance at his lips had Devlin thinking some naughty thoughts that had her blushing and yanking her gaze away from his. “What’s this bone?” Luca finally asked, turning his head away from Devlin, making her relax, but not before noticing Julian’s wolfish grin. She flicked him off in return catching him by shock.

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