Chapter 3: A Major Problem

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Chapter 3: A Major Problem

Devlin was pissed as soon as Luca left the classroom. ‘How dare he, that asshole!’ she thought angrily, as she stomped her way into the school’s hallway intent on seeking out Eric before he could escape the building for his lunch run. Devlin paid no attention to the people she shoved out of her way as she made her way to his office.

 “Eric!” she cried, slamming open his door making for a very dramatic entrance. Thankfully he hadn’t left yet, although he looked up shocked from his computer screen. Another student sat in one of the leather chairs, sharing a similar expression on her face as Eric’s.

 “Devlin, if you haven’t noticed, I’m in the middle of a private meeting with a student at the moment.” Devlin snorted and threw her backpack on the other empty chair, making the girl opposite it jump.

Shooting the girl an expressionless look, she snapped, “You can reschedule right?” The girl nodded nervously, and picked up her things, shooting Eric a look of uncertainty. Eric nodded at her and got up to let her out of the classroom.

            When only the two of them remained in the room, Eric took of the glasses he currently was wearing and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You really need to learn to control your temper Dev.”

 Huffing, Devlin plopped into a seat and crossed her arms over her chest. “I can’t do this stupid tutoring thing. The guy is a complete asshole Eric. I attempted to talk to the guy and he took one look at the schedule, crumpled it up and threw it out! I didn’t sign up to tutor some douche bag who thinks he’s the shit!”

 Eric shot a stern glare at her as he sat across from her. “Language Devlin, we are still in the school. And no one said this was going to be an easy task for you to complete. It is going to take some work with cooperation and patience.” Devlin rolled her eyes in exasperation.

 “Eric, the guy is impossible. Within a two minute, if that, conversation, the guy has already proven to have a stick stuck up his ass. He has no manners what so ever and acts like he is someone special.”

Sighing heavily, Eric shook his head. “There is no winning with you, is there?” Devlin scowled at her friend and got up from her seat.

“We need a solution to this problem Eric. I’m asking you to fix this for me. Do something, preferably I would like you to talk to his mother and cancel this whole tutoring thing all together. I’d rather join cheerleading than deal with this Luca asshole!” With that being said, Devlin grabbed her stuff and left the classroom just as upset as when she had entered it.

Devlin met up with Paisley in the cafe, and the two sat at their normal spot, a table that was by the window and had the best view of the school's outdoor garden. Paisley sat shocked when Devlin finished telling her about the confrontation with Luca. “Wow, I can't believe how much on an ass he made of himself. I just hope Eric actually listens to you for once.” Devlin, while twirling her fork in her spaghetti, nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, I hope so too Pais. Seriously, I can't deal with obnoxious guys. You know how I am and how bad my temper is.” Paisley chuckled as she tore into her blueberry muffin, courtesy of the schools pastry shop.

 “I've been on the receiving line of that temper quite a lot, so yes I'm well experienced with your anger management problem.” Devlin scowled at her friend.

 “I don't not have an anger management problem! I just am more sensitive to things than the average person.” Reaching across the table,

Paisley patted her friend on the hand. “Sure you are darling, sure you are.”

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