part 5

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4:00 a.m.

fionna had done passed out and was sleeping over marshall, Lee and Maxx were sleep floating while toby and Mark were asleep on the couch sharing a blanket. the house was fixed and cleaned and they hoped they wouldn't wake up to another mess.

Sydney and Annika's Pov

Sydney , Annika and their friends were hiding in some bushes and soon saw their cousins approaching.


you guys know what to do?

Chyna and Ally:



this will teach the twins not to mess with us!

when Megan and Abby were close enough Ally and Annika began to scream while Chyna made a chainsaw noise on her phone. Sydney put on a mad killer costume and floated in front of the twins, Megan and Abby screamed as loud as they could and ran out of the woods as fast as they could. Sydney, Annika and their friends began to high-five each other and departed from there hiding spot

at the House

Megan and Abby had finished screaming and walked inside to find everyone asleep. mono had just gotten there and was curled up around cake. the girls yawned and took a extra blanket from the couch. they shared the chair and soon heard Sydney and Annika come in. they acted like they were asleep and when Sydney was standing behind Annika, Annika went to poke them, they hissed which scared the glob out of Sydney and Annika. they all began to laugh until Lee and Maxx smacked them with pillows and told them to be quiet. Annika and Sydney walked up to their room and soon came back down with three pillows and a fuzzy blanket. They handed two pillows to Megan and Abby and used the blanket and other pillows for themselves.

12:10 P.M

Marshall began to wake up and felt something on his chest. he looked down to see fionna fast asleep. he soon began to poke her head until she opened her eyes and looked at him.




hey bunny what happened last night?


(yawns) well you and cake got in a fight last night almost destroying the whole house. so me and some of the kids fixed the whole you guys made and cleaned the house.


oh yea sorry bout that. hey you know while everyone's asleep we could-


not while cakes here and not after you made me and the kids work to the bone cleaning up your mess.


whatever, so ready to get up?



my thought exactly (falls asleep)

3:40 P.M

Lee and Maxx were awaken by the sound of giggling. when they opened there eyes they saw that they were outside in their underpants!! they ran inside before anybody saw them and when they got inside they saw Megan, Abby , Sydney and Annika laughing with markers in there hands. Lee and Maxx stopped floating and began to run towards the bathroom. they looked in the mirror to see themselves with dark circles over there eyes and Losers written on there for heads.


Sydney!! Annika!!


Megan!! Abby!!

Lee and Maxx :


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