Not an update!!!

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Sorry if you were expecting an update in this story for a while now, I have just been pretty busy for the last few weeks and I couldn't update my stories. Anyways, I've been scrolling through the comments of The 8th Part and I saw that people wrote that Fionna's gonna have two more kids but I have something to clear up. When the kids were saying bye to their mom, the girls said bye little sis and Lee said Bye little bro, it doesn't mean Fionna is going to have twins. They just said that cause the girls are hoping for a little sister and Lee is hoping for a little brother. Hope that cleared you up from that but before I wrap this up I wanna ask you guys something.

Should Fionna have twins? Or just 1 kid? And if you think she should have twins should it be a Girl and girl? boy and boy? Or girl and a boy? You tell me and I'll count the votes!

Put what you want the baby (or babies) to be in the comments and i'll see which one has the most and then it'll be in the story! By the way, I have a riddle for all of you just for the fun of it and dedication. Whoever can answer it first will get the dedication! Now,

Who does Sydney call Twinkletoes?

See ya now! And I promise to update this! I swear it!


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