Chapter 10

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Ed :
We crash in the truck that night, we were too tired to get any where. Next morning when I wake up Jess has already taken a swim, I want to ask why she didn't wake me up but I guess she wanted privacy. I yawn whilst saying, "Hey", She shuffles my hair and laughs, "Was that yawn in a hey or a hey in a yawn?", I head bump her in her stomach, "fuck off, its like what, 6 in the morning?". She chuckles and tells me to shift to the passenger's seat and takes lead. "I had to piss" I tell her. "Kiss?", she questions, "no piss, pee, urine", I laugh. "Um sure, we'll stop", she turns red out of embarrassment.
I dozed off again. I don't know why. I was listening to some country music and I fell asleep. I look at Sandra, peeking out of one of my eye. She blankly drives ahead, no emotion on her face. She looks beautiful, simple yet so pretty. She finds me looking at her, "You woke up, finally". I run my hands through my hair and nod, "How long have I been passed out?". She plays some soft music now, "I don't know 200km? Maybe 250?", "That must be like 3 hours or something, shit sorry", and she waves it off, like its okay. I realise I haven't eaten anything since the morning and rip open a packet of 'classic lemony bonanza' flavoured chips. I have a flashback suddenly of yesterday. My heart ripped up like this packet of chips. I smile to myself while eating one, "Did you eat something?". She points at 3 empty packets on the floor of Denny, "Didn't find a trashcan". Normally I would have yelled at her for throwing empty chips packets on Denny but I just nod. I don't know what changed but something did. "Where are we?", "No idea", "We're going to stop at the next city, enough for today. Let's go exploring", and I don't know, I don't have much of an experience in that so I agree, she does the same happy dance she had done once, she looks so cute doing it. Her long arms gracefully move and her lips, the lips which I kissed, break into a smile.
In about half and hour we reach a city. I suggest, "let's find a parking lot first?", "we'll obviously have a parking lot in a hotel", " we're going to a hotel?", "ya", "what about the money?", "chill, its on me", "oh my god thank you so much, out of like the 1 month of travelling I have done this is the first in which I am staying at a hotel". She laughs at my excitement and pulls into a massive hotel. The guards open Denny's doors and we step out. One of the guards give us a sceptical look, probably because we were dressed shabbily and looked out place in here. Jess still looked presentable, I probably looked like shit. "Your luggage will be sent to your rooms sir", the guard tells me as I pick my rucksack up. I look at Sandra and she is grinning, she shrugs and I tag along with her, like I am her kid. I have stayed in so many such hotels but its like I have forgotten the concept. The concept of acting rich. "This looks so fucking expensive", I whisper in her ears, and she nods, "It is". I stay back looking at the art works on the wall and she heads to the receptionist. The receptionist too gives us a sceptical look, only if these people knew how rich my father is and I could tell how rich her father is by the way she described her life.  The reception area is huge, everything seems to be made out of a billion dollars. In the centre is a huge glass statue of a ballerina. I imagine what must be worth of this statue and she comes back, "Sir, room 230, shall we?", I chuckle and link our arms together as we head upstairs.

Short chapters as this is a short story 😌
x kate x

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