Chapter 12

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[Not edited]
I wake up next morning and I am still sore down there.  I look around for Ed but don't find him here. I sit up and wear my sweatshirt. As I make my way to the toilet I see a note on the coffee table with a cup of coffee, 'gone out for exploring, didn't wake you up as you were sleeping'. I smile reading it and keep the note back on the table. I loved how we name love yesterday and I can feel the glow off me. I proceed on to take a bath and I step into the tub.
I feel sort of brand new after the bath with soaps and shampoos after so long. I remember back home I used to take 3 baths a day, bubble baths with bath bombs and loofahs. But honestly I like it this way, messy, dirty and with Ed. I don't know who Ed is to me, I just met Ed two days ago yet I have such strong feelings towards him.  I feel as if all this was meant to be and this is faith. My friend back home, Joanna, would tell me, 'I am not even going to put effort in searching for my soul mate, he'll come around himself' and she spoke the truth. I didn't put any effort and yet found Ed. I smile to myself and sit down on the edge of the bed. On the bedside table lies a paper which says 'La Quinta Inn and Suites, Brownsville North, Texas'. Brownsville? That means we are by the border of Mexico? I wonder what we'll do now, we'll we continue are journey to Mexico or return back? If we have reached Brownsville, does it mean Ed has visited every state he wished to visit? I cannot cross the border, I have no legal papers ready. I wonder if he has. I should probably go explore too, so I change into a floral dress, beaded with pink stones. I bought it the day before I met Ed. I smile and slip it over my head.
After curling my hair with hotel's appliances and applying light make up I head outside. I ask the receptionist if she had seen the person along with me go outside, she said, "No maam, I saw sir on the 3rd floor going in for our world class disco facilities in the Jinx Club", I squint, "Disco? During the afternoon?", she gives me a wary smile, "there is no sun inside the club". I give her a tight lipped smile and head to this 'world class disco facilities, Jinx Club'. I step in and she wasn't wrong, there is no sun inside. There are disco balls hanging from the ceiling and several purple and blue lights flicker upon the crowd which dances below. There is loud music going on and people are dancing in the open area and drinking in the closed cabin type of area. I search the open area for Ed and I don't see a familiar face. Being the greedy person that I am, I look for a drink. I get into a cabin and the sight in front of me has a boy being kissed all over by two girls, I quickly apologise and turn to leave. But that's when I realise, I turn back, "Edgar?". And yes it is. He pokes his head and he is covered by numerous kisses from the sluts. "Jess-jessandra?". I leave immediately and my eyes fill up with fluid. Soulmate, I said, pathetic. I run out of the club and I hear him calling after me. I am about to head back to my room to leave immediately but he grabs my hand, "wait". I wipe my tears with my free hand and whimper, "why? To have myself more humiliated? How can you do this to me after I told my sorrows, how can you do this after yesterday night?". And if you were standing next to me you would hear my heart break as he goes on to say, "So what? It's not like you are my girlfriend or something. We just had sex. What's the big deal?". I don't stop my tears for falling now and ask him, "Are you drunk?", and he asks me back, "Is it any for your concern?". I jerk his hand away and immediately leave for my room. For me it was love, for him it was just sex. I am not his girlfriend, he's right, I don't have any right over him. I sob as I pack my stuff. I thought that I have been hurt before.


Did anyone see the reference or no ?

x kate x

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