Chapter 2

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"NO GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!! GO AWAY YOU FREAKS!!!!" I screamed as I tried to run from the huge men chasing me. They were trying to catch me and kill me. Just when I felt I couldn't run anymore I collapsed into a pair of strong arms and started crying. But before I could turn back to see where the men were I heard gun shots. I looked up to see my uncle Hotch with a gun pointed at the men. I then looked up to see who's arms I was in. When I looked up I saw the man was about the same age as myself with light brown hair and brown eyes. I tried to ask for his name but when I opened my mouth I couldn't speak. My breathing started getting shaky as I remembered how just a few minutes ago I was almost killed. I started to sweat and pant. I started screaming as I remembered why I was running from the men, they killed my best friend then they were going to kill me.

I shot up in bed with sweat dripping down my face. I looked over at my alarm to see what time it was. '2:43 AM' I cursed with these nightmares. I sighed as I looked around the room and slowly moved myself off the bed, when my feet hit the cold floor I let out a small sigh. I stumbled my way down the dark stairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Half way down the stairs I stubbed my toe on the railing. I muttered curse words under my breath as pain shot through my foot and into my ankle. Limping down the stairs I leaned against the railing for support. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I turned left into the kitchen and got a glass of water. As I walked back up the stairs I vividly started to remember the guy from my dreams. I qusstioned if he was even real or a figment of my imagination. I crawled back into bed. Thoughts of the dream raced through my mind. Rolling back over I fell into a restless sleep.

I woke up to heavy knocking on my door. My alarm screamed '8:00 AM' Shit i slept to long. Oh well. I opened the door to look at my uncle Hotch "what?" I growled at him. He smiled at me and said " well someone's happy this morning. get dressed and ready i have to go to work and your going with me." "alright" i mumbled as i closed the door and started to get dressed. I pulled on some black skinny jeans, pink button up 3/4 sleeve shirt and black high heel boots. I pulled my messy auburn hair back into a tight ponytail. I shuffled down the stairs and into the kitchen where my uncle was eating breakfast with jack. i smiled at them and grabbed the waffle off the counter and wolfed it down with a glass of orange juice. Uncle Hotch, Jack and I headed out the door to go to work. On the way to the BAU offices we dropped jack off at pre-school. We got to the F.B.I offices and when we walked in I was smothered by a blonde haired girl a little shorter than me. She was hugging me so tight i almost couldn't breath. I was a little nervous i didn't know if i should hug back or not. When she pulled back she looked at me and said "Hi! I'm Penelope Garcia! Call me Garcia or anything else you please. I can't believe I'm finally meeting you I've heard so much about you!" I smiled she was really nice and i could see us becoming very close friends in the future! " Well its nice to meet you Garcia. Sense my uncle has already told you a lot about me you probably already know my name. You can call me what you please just don't call me nick or nickel. Because then i feel like your calling me a boy or your putting a price on me." She smiled "alright i totally understand and if someone called me nickel i would be pissed too" We both laughed as we headed over to my uncle where he was standing with a few more people who i guessed were also on the team. There was a blonde and brunette. Then there was a man about in his late 40's with black hair, there was an African American agent who looked really nice but he also looked like a person who could kick my ass any day. I walked over to my uncle and leaned against the desk he was standing next to. I was introduced to agent Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, David Rossi and Jennifer "JJ" Jareau. I sat down at a desk when i got some weird looks. I picked up a book off the desk in front of me and started reading some of it when i heard a voice behind me. "So i see we have a similar taste in books?" When i turned around my jaw just about hit the floor. It was him the in my dreams the one who had caught me....... I went pale.


a/n Hi loves hope you like it. so my updates are going to suck for a while because I'm updating on my phone.

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