chapter 7

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I rolled around and the opened my eyes. I was in a strange bed... where was i? Then all the memories can flooding back like a river. The ride home, the coffee, the clothes and sleeping with Spencer. I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. There was a note on the fridge that read.




I sat at the table and thought for a moment before i ran to spencers room and changed into my pants from last night, my tank top and one of spencers cardigans. I skipped back to the kitchen and pulled out the ingredients to make chocolate pancakes. I had the radio on and was dancing around the kitchen when i felt two strong arms wrap around my waist. A voice whispered in my ear. "you should really wear my clothes more often." I giggled when i realized it was Spencer. He spun me around and looked at me. "want help with breakfast?" I nodded and he grabbed a bowl and started mixing while i grabbed the pan from the cupboard. Spencer started to walk towards the stove when he tripped and almost dropped the mix. I looked him wide eyed and playfully shouted "Get out of my kitchen!" He went and sat in the dining room while i finished making breakfast. After we ate Spencer was still in the dining room reading the news paper while i was in the living room. I stood next to the massive bookshelves that were filled from top to bottom without a single open space. I pulled a book off the shelf and started thumbing through the pages when i heard a knock on the front door. I went wide eyed and threw the book back on the shelf and hurried into the kitchen. I whisper yelled "Spencer someone's at the front door i think its Morgan!" He walked into the living room while i hid in the kitchen. When he opened the door Morgan and Spencer started talking. I thought it was safe to walk out when i heard Morgan say "OK bye." So i walked into the living room and said "Thank god Morgans gone i don't really want anyone to find out that i spent the night." I stopped dead in my tracks when i saw Morgan and Spencer still standing in the living room. Morgan stared at me in disbelief and shock. While Spencer stood there while his mouth opened and closed like a fish. Both there faces were priceless! I stood there in probably the most awkward situation ever. Morgan spoke up "So you two "slept" together last night?" putting obvious air quotes around the word slept. I laughed "Not in that way! see i gave Spencer a ride home because e both worked late and i wouldn't let him take the bus." Morgan nodded and Spencer continued "I invited her in for coffee. But the weather was bad and i didn't want her to drive home in it. So i had her spend the night. I wouldn't let her sleep on the couch so i offered my bed but she said no so we decided to share my bed but with sperate blankets." Morgan nodded again "oh OK. well anyway i wanted to see if Reid wanted to come over and hangout. Everyone is coming over. Even jack and your uncle." At the last part he nodded towards me. I looked a little worried what if he found out that i spent the night with Spencer? I turned to Morgan who was already heading out the door with Spencer. I ran out with them and drove to my uncles house.


I ran up the front steps when i realized i didn't have a key to the house...... I walked around the back and saw my window was open just a crack. The only problem was my room is on the second floor. I climbed the lattice on the side of the house until it ended about 5 feet below my widow. SHIT! I took a stick and pushed my window open enough to fit through. I reached up until i had my finger tips on the window sill. I used my little to no upper body strength to pull me in through the window. I fell on the floor with a hard thud. I hopped in the shower and when i finished I fixed my hair, did my makeup and got changed. I'm now ready to explain an ever do embarrassing subject with everyone.... YAY!!!!!! (Note my sarcasm)


a/n lol so i personally like this chapter but its not that long :-/ anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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