Chapter 8 - Compliments

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"You've never been introduced to the rest, right?" Camie asked. "Now's the time!"

"Right." (Name) sighed, going along with Camie, secretly wanting to see Sanji.


"So there's Luffy and Zoro, you know Nami and Sanji, so that's mostly it, though there's Law as well." Camie smiled.

"Yeah, I know Law too." (Name) said, winking at the black haired boy who looked away, blushing. She only really flirted with him as a joke, winking as a playful gesture, but he, having a crush on the (H/C) haired beauty, took it seriously.

"Awesome. Anyways, Sanji-chin, there's something cool related to art that's happening with (Name)-chin!" Camie grinned.

"Really?" He smiled at (Name).

"Y-Yeah. Usopp wants to enter my work in a national exhibition." (Name) laughed nervously. "I can't see why though."

"Don't be so modest!" Nami exclaimed. "We know how amazing your art is."

"Yeah right Nami, it's nowhere near good enough." (Name) blushed at the compliment.

Nami pulled her down onto the bench where they were sat eating, and looked deep into her eyes.

"I would pay money for your art. And that's saying something." She said seriously. "I wouldn't spend anything on work by Van Gough. Yours is miles better."

"She speaks the truth (Name)." Sanji added.

"There, you've got Sanji, the other art student, backing me up." Nami said triumphantly.

(Name) caught his eye and had to refrain from giggling, knowing about how his forte was cupcakes over canvas.

"(Name)-ya, you look different today. Did you change your hair?" Law commented, breaking the moment between (Name) and Sanji.

"Oh, I got a new hair slide!" (Name) smiled, pleased someone had noticed her new flower slide.

"It's looks great." Law added, giving her a little confidence boost.

"Thank you Law!" She said, hugging him. An action which made a certain blonde VERY jealous.

"Now that you two are married, we don't we continue with our lives?" Zoro interrupted.

"Yes, we can continue to talk about your marriage with Luffy. It's right around the corner, right?" (Name) countered.

"What...Me and Luffy? No..." Zoro was speechless at (Name)'s way of turning the conversation on him.


"(Name)-ya, what have you done...?" Law stared at his folder, now covered in cute stickers. Kittens, puppies, hearts and flowers weren't exactly the aspiring doctor's favourite things.

"I made your folder cute. It's so boring, being just grey and stuff, when revision is more exciting with some colour."

"(Name)-ya, I don't think my grade's will drastically improve with the aid of some kittens in flower crowns stuck on my folder."

"I bet my grades are better because of my Peter Rabbit folder!" (Name) argued. "And you can't deny my folder is cute. Like it's owner~"

"Yeah, but..." (Name) cut him off after his first word.

"'Yeah'? You think I'm cute?!" (Name) giggled. "You're so sweet."

She kissed his cheek, before realising the time, picking up her bag and running.

Law just stared after her, holding the cheek she kissed.


"I just really want to see it. Please?" (Name) begged Sanji.

"I told you, my expertise are cooking, not art." The blonde grumbled.

"Please?!!" (Name) whined, holding his arm and looking at him with cute eyes that he couldn't resist.

"Fine." He sighed, moving the pile of paper that was covering his work away, so she could see it.

"That's amazing! I never thought that someone could make fish look like this beautiful!" (Name) complimented. The drawing was a young mermaid, surrounded by fish and looking up towards the surface of the water, the surface being perfectly portrayed with lighter shades of blue, and schools of fish spelling out 'All Blue'.

"It's sort of a fantasy of mine. The All Blue, a place where all fish are gathered." Sanji smiled. "Naturally, not like in a aquarium."

"That would be pretty amazing, wouldn't it? Imagine diving there, and seeing all the beautiful fish." She then sighed. "But in realism, there would be all those poisonous fish."

"We can still dream." Sanji said softly.

"I've got to go now. Schedule calls." The (H/C) haired girl sighed again. "Thanks for showing me your art. It's really cool."

Sanji watched her leave, that usual stinging feeling in his chest. He felt it so much, when (Name) would smile, when she'd look at him with her gorgeous (E/C) eyes. It was love, he was certain.

He loved her. She was his dream. She was his All Blue

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