Chapter 20 - Trust

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Sorry dudes I've had too much work and I'm still writing a frame for this story -_-

Also I'm going to be tagging some Panic! At The Disco songs throughout the next few chapters, as while they probably won't relate the chapter unless I say so, you should get a feel of what they (more like he :'/) sound like.


"(Name), come on." Perona grabbed her friend's hand, dragging the protesting girl to an unknown destination.

"Perona! Let go!" The (H/C) haired sighed, not having enough energy to fight back.

"Listen (Name), my dad didn't spend an evening arranging for you and your boyfriend to go to see Panic! At The Disco for you to not go because of some stupid fight you've had." Perona sighed.


"(Name)..." Sanji said softly, standing up upon her arrival.

"Let's hear your excuse then." She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest as she seated herself.

"First I need to know where you're getting the allegations from." The blond said, frowning slightly.

"Someone left a message; Usopp showed me. They "did it for their little brother Sanji"." (Name) said, using air quotes to emphasise.

"(Name), the people who left that message are of no relation to me. Maybe in blood, but I sure as hell don't see them as my family. Hence I don't have a last name." Sanji explained, grasping her hand and looking into her eyes.

"How can I believe you? If you'd be prepared to go behind my back like that then I be you'd be prepared to lie to my face." (Name) glared at him.

"There's no way I'd ever do that. I love you too much." Sanji's soft reply made tears prick at the corners of (Name)'s eyes.

"You...can I trust you...?" She whispered.

Sanji didn't even reply, just linked her fingers with his and smiled softly.


"You're speaking a load of nonsense." Usopp frowned. Perona shook her head.

"I know you're involved. I've got eyes everywhere. Either you admit it now, or I expose the countless things you've done without the school's permission. I can make Kaya hate you." She said seriously.

"I-I-I have relations too! I have a large group of people who'll track you down and make your life hell." Usopp stuttered nervously.

"Really? Set them on me then. But (Name) deserves the truth." Perona smirked.



This is short but I thought you guys deserve an update :)

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