Chapter 13 - Confession

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(Name) slung her satchel over her shoulder, confident that it had everything. Textbooks, revision notes, pencil case and something special.

Glancing up at the clock, she saw that she still had an hour before her first class, meaning she didn't have to hurry.

The (H/C) haired girl exited the house and began to text her friend Nami as she walked, telling her about the kiss.

'And today...maybe I can tell him.' (Name) gave a happy sigh at the though.

"Hey (Name)!" She turned around and smiled, seeing Law.

He caught up to her, smiling - something that he didn't do often.

"Law, did you get me anything for Valentine's Day?" (Name) teased as they walked.

Law didn't reply, avoiding her (E/C) eyes.

"You seem happier than usual. What's going on?" (Name) questioned.

"Nothing." Law replied.

"Come on! Wait, did you confess to the girl that you like?" (Name) persisted.

"No. I'm doing that later." He said.

"Really? Am I allowed to watch?" (Name) smiled.

"Sure." Law smirked - he had a plan, and she was going along with it.


"Remember, submit your projects tomorrow!" Usopp called out as most people left the classroom.

"(Name)?" The (H/C) haired girl looked up at the sound of her name.

"Oh, Sanji. D-Did you want something?" (Name) cursed herself for sounding like an idiot in front of him.

"Yeah. Can I talk to you in privacy?" The blonde requested.

"Sure." (Name) replied, standing up.


"What was it you wanted to speak about?" (Name) smiled, hoping her words wouldn't be perceived as rude.

" see..." Sanji began. "I've been thinking of you a lot, ever since yesterday. You've been on my mind a lot, because I've realised I love you, more than any other person. I could go on for hours, I could write a book on how amazing you are, and how in love I am with you. There is no limit to it, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want this to be weird, but please! Will you be my girlfriend?!"

There was a silence, from shock.

"Sanji..." (Name) breathed. She smiled. "Of course I will."

He responded by kissing her again. A sweet, tender kiss, that bought back memories of the previous night.


"Where is she...?" Law cursed, annoyed that his plan was slipping. He was prepared for most things, but what happened was unexpected, unplanned for.

"Law!" (Name) grinned, approaching him. "Asked her yet?"

"Not yet." He smiled.

"Where is she then?" (Name) looked around.

"She's right here..." Law replied.

There was another silence. Only this one was more uncomfortable.

"W-Where? I don't see her..." (Name) glanced around again, nervously.

"Don't you get it?" Law felt slightly irritated. "You're the one I'm in love with."

(Name) felt a twisting sensation in her stomach, like someone had plunged a knife into it. She was a kind person, so didn't want to flat out tell him that she had a boyfriend, but at the same time he was one of her best friends, and she didn't love him romantically.

"I-I have to go..." The (H/C) haired girl made hasty excuses, doing anything to get away from the awkward and slightly scary scene.

Law felt a sinking feeling as he watched her walk away. Did it count as rejection...?

He couldn't accept that. He loved her, and she loved another.

'I'll have to change her mind.'


Law's probably going to be yandere. I hate doing this to my precious child *pulls him into a hug*

Sanji x reader - Our livesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt