Chapter 22 - Turn Away

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🌞 I'm such a lazy piece of trash 🌞

I know this song doesn't stick with the panic! theme but it's so appropriate. Also Dodie is queen.


'I regret to inform you that Usopp no longer works for our college. Therefor a new substitute will be in school on Monday. Please be prepared as you would for a normal lesson.'

(Name) shut her laptop and sighed. Everything had turned upside down in the past few weeks. First Sanji had broken up with her, then she caught the flu, and to add insult to injury one of her favourite teachers had left the school with no explanation.

As anyone would respond in such a situation, she changed her appearance, by styling her hair in a completely new fashion and dying it a vibrant colour, as she'd always wanted to.

She stood up and grabbed her coat, putting it on whilst glancing at the time - she didn't want to be late for revision.

At least she still had Law throughout it all.


Sanji gathered the plates left from a presumed date, a sinking feeling in his stomach as he remembered dates with (Name) in the café, when she waited for him once his shift was over. Their relationship had been short but so sweet.

"(Name)-ya, this place is perfect, I know we've never been here before but-" A familiar deep voice caught his ear, and he looked up.

It broke his heart, seeing she was with Law. Sure he had broken up with her, but he didn't want her to move on.

"Law, let's go somewhere else. I...let's just...this isn't the best place." (Name) muttered, seeing Sanji and tugging on Law's sleeve like a child.

He nodded, putting an arm around her shoulder and leading her away, not before making eye contact with Sanji, as if to say "I won, you lost."

Sanji scoffed at the non existent smirk and turned his back towards them.

Sanji x reader - Our livesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang