-Meet and Greet Goals-

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It was then 3:45. It was time for the meet and greet to start. I was there last in line because I was with Blake. Everyone was talking to Blake and taking cute pictures. I waited in line for an hour. And finally my turn. He looked at me with a smirk and laughed and gave me a hug. I got the photography to take our pic. I held Blakes hand, finger between finger. And he put his hand around my waste and I put my arm around his neck. We then both looked at the camera and at the last second he kissed my cheek and it got numb!(started blushing) (he had some soft lips and kisses good.. I said to myself) no one was in there expect us and the others and the security. I asked Blake,"What did you do that for?, I thought you weren't allowed to do that?" He said,"You are so beautiful and I just had to, and I know I'm not allowed to do that but I just couldn't help it."(he started blushing) and I said,"Well if you can do it I can do it too." I went to go kiss his cheek and he turned and he kissed me on the lips! I was in shock but we both smiled and me kissed me again!

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