Laghing gas

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One day at Castle Bleck, Count Bleck and Tippi decided to spend a day at the beach.

"Nastasia's in charge," Count Bleck said. "We'll be back before nine."

After the left everyone went off to do whatever.

They managed to get through the morning and lunch time without any trouble.

After lunch Mimi went to write in her dairy, Mr. L worked on Brobot, Dimentio went to his room to do Grambi knows what, and Nastasia taught O'Chunks how to make a cake.

After a few hours, everyone started to wonder what Dimentio was doing. It was unlike him to hide his room for so long. They all expected him to be causing trouble by now.

"Um, maybe you should check on him, Mr. L," Nastasia said.

"Fine." He went up the stairs and knocked on Dimentio's door.

"Dim? You okay in there?"

There was no reply.

Mr. L started to get worried. He opened the door and went inside the room.

Dimentio was floating cross-legged just inches above his bed, staring at nothing special with an odd smile on his mask.

Mr. L walked over to him. "What are you doing? And why didn't you answer me before?"

The jester giggled but said nothing.

"Dim?" Mr. L noticed a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up.

It read:

To whoever reads this note,

I hate you people for almost destroying all the worlds so for fun,

I pumped your jester full of laughing gas.

He should be pretty high for quite a few hours.

Have fun with him!


PS: Good luck figuring out which Toad I am!

Mr. L crumbled the note.

"Nastasia, we have a problem!"

Everyone came running up the stairs.

"What wrong?"

"Dimentio's high on laughing gas."

"He's what?!"

"Read the note."

Nastasia took the paper and read it.

"Good Grambi..."

"Can we...fix him?" Mimi asked nervously.

"Uh, no, probably not. We'll just have to wait for the laughing gas to wear off."

Dimentio dropped the few inches to his bed and turned to face the others as if he had just noticed them. "Hi!"

"Um, hi?" Mr. L said somewhat uncomfortably.

"What are you people talking about?"

"You, Dim. We're talking about you."

Dimentio laughed loudly causing everyone to jump.

"What's so funny?" O'Chunks asked looking confused.

"You're talking about me," Dimentio giggled.

Nastasia did a facepalm. "Let's just leave him alone, 'k? He should be fine."

"Do you really think that's good idea?" Mimi asked. "What if he does something that could kill him?"

"She has a point," Mr. L said. "In his state of mind right now, that doesn't seem too unlikely."

"Hmm, that's true. We'll just have to take turns staying with him then, 'k? Mr. L, why don't you stay first?"

Well looks like toads caused some trouble, anywho todaloo my trainers. 😈🔪💉

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