Too sweet

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o use the bathroom. On her way back to her room she heard a soft moan from Dimentio's room.

She poked her head in the doorway. "You awake?" she called in a whisper.


Nastasia walked in and sat down on the bed. "How do you feel?"

"I feel...weird. What happened today?"

Nastasia quickly explained about the Toad and the laughing gas.

'Ahahaha, I see. How bad I get when I was 'loopy'?"

"Um, you were...amusing. You giggled a lot for no reason and I had to help you eat."

In the moonlight shining through the window, Nastasia saw Dimentio blush.

"Oh. I, um, I'm sorry I was such trouble today."

"Oh no, no, no. You weren't any trouble," she cooed gently stroking the jester's black and white hair. "And besides, you didn't ask for that Toad to pump you full of laughing gas."

Dimentio chuckled. "I guess you're right about that." He moaned again.

"You feel alright?" Nastasia asked.

"My stomach feels upset. I don't suppose you can tell me why?"

"Um..." Nastasia thought for a moment. "No idea. You gonna be okay?"

"I think so... Just what did Ieat?"

"Let's see... There was a Peachy Peach before dinner when I had to find if you eat without help. You couldn't."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Your hands just couldn't seem to find your mouth," Nastasia chuckled. "You were too out of it. Anyway, for dinner we had meatloaf with mashed potatoes and vegetables. Oh, and a Shroom Shake to drink."

"Is that all?" Dimentio asked gently placing a hand over his stomach.

"No. Me and O'Chunks made a cake together after lunch so we had that for dessert."

"Ah, that would explain why I don't feel good."

"Why?" Nastasia asked, confused.

"Between the Peachy Peach and the cake... My stomach can't handle too many sweet things at once." Dimentio explained.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Dimentio. I didn't know that..."

"Now, now, don't worry about it. I'll be fine-" He was cut out from what he saying as his stomach started heaving.

Nastasia, knowing he was about to be sick, got up and quickly got the garbage can by the nightstand.

She placed it in front of Dimentio just in time. Sitting down again, she slowly rubbed his back as the jester began to vomit everything he had eaten hours before.

When his stomach had finally eliminated what was upsetting it, Dimentio leaned back and tried to catch his breath.

"I...apologize...for that," Dimentio said while gasping for air. His pale face turned deep red with embarrassment.

"No, it's me who should apologize," Nastasia said shaking her head. "I um, wouldn't have given you dessert if I had known you were going be this sick. Oh, Dimentio. I'm so sorry."

They were quiet for a while.

"Um, do you need this still?" Nastasia tapped the garbage can.

"No, I feel better now."

"Well, I'm gonna wash it out then, 'k?"

"Go ahead."

Dimentio lay down and sighed. Even though his stomach was empty he still felt like crap.

Nastasia soon came back.

"Hey, you okay now?" she asked.


"Well, if you don't need me anymore tonight, I'll just go to bed. Goodnight."


Dimentio rolled over to get comfortable. His stomach growled quietly.

"Oh, hush," he thought, rubbing it very gently. "There's nothing left inside of you to make you feel upset, so just settle down."

The jester smiled to himself in the dark.

Maybe tomorrow he would visit Toad Town and look for that bothersome Toad...

Anywho toodaloo my trainers 😈🔪💉

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