Chapter Two: Potential

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Absolute SOUL

Chapter Two: Potential

A/N: I'm sorry guys, I've been REALLY busy with some stuff, but I can now give you guys what you want, SwordMasters!

Saturday night, 7:23 PM.

Gin: [furious but calls Tamashi] Hmmmmm....

Tamashi: [picks up the call and answers with a calm tone] Yo?

Gin: [with the sound of desperate need of help] I...I..need to get my mom back..

Tamashi: [shocked a little but expected it] Woooooah, um um um..okay well, have any idea where she might be?

Gin: I do, just come by my house and we'll go from there.

Tamashi: Alrighty then [hangs up and leaves my house to go to Gin's house]

While Gin waits for Tamashi, Gin goes around the house and looks through his mother's room. When he enters, he could smell the beautiful lavender scent in his mother's room.

Gin: [sighing but then goes over to the drawer by the bed and looks over it] She's so neat...[laughs] That's how she is though. [looks at the down left corner of the mirror that stands on the drawer] Ah, the photos...[lifts one up and looks at it] Oh I remember this...this was when I was in kindergarten. [the picture is with my mother and I smiling after my singing ceremony]  Hmm...[looks over to the other side downright and sees a photo of my mother and my supposedly father holding me when I was a newborn] Huh...? Who's that...? [I turn the photo to the back to see if there was anything written on the back] W-What..? This note...what does it mean!? [I fold the picture and keep it in my pocket as I hear a knock on the door] Oh! That must be Tamashi..[I walk downstairs and the open the door for Tamashi] Hey..

Tamashi: Seems you're down in the dumps buddo. [assuring] Ready to go find your mom?

Gin: Mhm..[exits out the house and then locks the door] Okay let's go.

Tamashi: [walks beside Gin with my hands behind my head] Where do you think your mom might be?

Gin: [stops walking and then looks at the ground] Hey Tamashi..

Tamashi: [surprised but curious] Yeah?

Gin: What would you do if you found out that you're not who you actually are?

Tamashi: [shocked to the point where I lost myself] Wait....what..? Gin...what happened?

Gin: [looks away to the buildings] Nothing, just  keep walking..

Tamashi: Hmm [keeps walking forward] 

Gin: [with suspense] So..Tamashi

Tamashi: Yes..Gin?

Gin: Didn't you say to me while we were training three years ago that there was someway you could attain more power?

Tamashi: [shocked that he remembered] I did indeed, what of it?

Gin: [stops walking while looking down to the ground with utter disappointment in myself] I...I want to gain that power...

Tamashi: Why? Aren't you strong enough Gin?

Gin: [yelling] No! I was never strong enough, I finally learned how to achieve the final energy channel. Though, there is a good chance that it's no good.

Tamashi: What makes you say that?

Gin: Becau-

A fast shuriken came from above as Gin and Tamashi both backed away; Gin just does a normal back dash using shifter while Tamashi backflips getting away.

Gin: [jealous] off..

Tamashi: Oi, it's you again.

Gin: Wait what? [turns my head towards the person in an all black ninja suit with long red luscious hair]

Tamashi: It's been a long time since all three of us last met. Right? Ayane?

Ayane: [apathetic] Right. It's been a long time, Gin.

Gin: [startled by hearing her] Eh! U-Uh...yeah it has been..

Ayane: I assume you've gotten stronger, right?

Gin: [feeling uneasy as I scratch behind my head] S-Sort of..

Ayame: Sort of isn't an answer. [grabs hold of the grip of my sword] Shall I test you?

Gin: N-N-

Tamashi: He'd be delighted to!

Gin: Tamashi!

Tamashi: Don't worry, you'll do fine. [pats his back gently as I give him a wide smile]

Ayane: Let's begin. [fully takes out my sword as it shines a bit]

Gin: Ah shit...[grabs my grip as I get ready for her attack]

The angle from the ground where we see Gin look up to Ayane at the top of a building is the lasting image of what's to come.

To be continued.

SwordMasters: Absolute SOULOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz