Chapter Eight: Trial And Error

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"I am stuck in a predicament." Those were the words that came out of Gin's mouth before he decided to go back down. He met with Dr. Z, the two then started a conversation. "Hey" Gin was so nervous to ask Dr. Z his question, so Dr. Z interrupted him. "Is there something wrong Gin?". "Well....I wouldn't say that there's something wrong, but there is a problem. And I'm not sure how to go about it, but I thought if I asked you maybe it would be easier to take care of it." Gin is really looking forward to make up to Elsa after what happened earlier. "What is it Gin? I'll be glad to help you if I can." "Okay, so your daughter Elsa, um, does she...does she have a problem with me or something" A sudden pause and Dr. Z's face showed he was a bit confused. "I'm sorry, I just...I met with her earlier and she really made it clear that she doesn't want me around." Gin says while sounding just a bit depressed. "So I was wondering, if there was any way or something that I could do to change her mind?" Gin at this point just wants to make things okay with Elsa. "Oh...oh uh, well she did mention to me about your test scores and she just doesn't like that you went above other people who work hard and try their very best to move up in the elites and just barely made it. She thinks that you're a waste of her time, but you know, that doesn't sound like my Elsa at all. So maybe there's something about you that she doesn't like? I'm not sure, the best way to go about this is to talk with her. That's all I can tell you."

With that said, Gin nodded his head and went to the Elites' home. When he entered inside, Martha was screaming his name as she ran towards the entrance. "GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!" Martha jumped to him and they both fall onto the floor. I swear, Martha needs to chill out. "Gin! Gin! Gin! Oh my gosh I missed you so much, where have you gone!?". He was only gone for ten minutes. "I was only gone for ten minutes." Now as he said that, Martha bursted at him with rage saying, "That doesn't matter!! You weren't here and that makes me sad." Martha needs to relax, but anyway Lily shows up and greets Gin. "Hello Gin, you came back, why'd you leave?" Gin just shook his head and told her that it's nothing to worry about. Lily gave Gin that "Hm, I know you're lying, but I'll let you off with it" look. Gin then walked off as Martha kept saying Gin's name. "Gin!!! Come on don't leave me again!!!" Lily patted Martha on the shoulder and said, "Just give it up Martha, Gin isn't interested in you, he's probably dating someone." Martha, of course, didn't fret when she said that, she still wants to be with Gin, no matter what she has to do. Afterwards, Gin found Elsa in her room writing in her book. "Elsa?" Gin surprised her as she screamed and then became composed with herself. "Why are you here? Who said you can come back? What do you want?" Elsa targeting Gin with all these questions as he just responds with, "Ever heard of Trial And Error?". Gin just wants to try this thing again, and see how well he and Elsa will be. "No, but I'd like if you could leave now, thanks." Tough girl. "You just won't let up, huh? Well, guess what I ain't going no where, you're just going to have to get used to it." Yup, Gin is determined to make Elsa his friend. "Whatever, now get out of my room." Before Gin got up, he asked her another question. "Hey, um, I just want to know, how come Ayane hasn't joined the Elites by now? I mean she's strong and smart, she's definitely elite level. So why?" Elsa sighs and begins to tell Gin the reasoning, "The reason she doesn't work with us Elites is because of two reasons, one of them being is that each of us has a partner, she would be the seventh addition, uneven. The second reason is that Byakuya, well, he takes pride in every one of us, calls his his children, but Ayane is so different. He loves that girl more than his own life. So, once she got stronger and faster as she got older, he sort of became more aware of her. She's put at a higher level than us, I suppose. Ugh, I don't know why I'm telling you all this, I need to get going." Elsa begins walking towards her door and opens it, "If you want to be part of this team, you earn it. You don't speed things up because you got some event you need to make it to on time. Anyone with a brain knows that." She exits through the door and Gin looks at her leave. Most definitely felt a bit of determination after that.

After a few minutes of just walking around, he bumped into Ethan as he was making coffee. "Oh, hey Gin, getting around the place?" Gin smiled and nodded his head, he asked Ethan about Elsa and what she's like on the battlefield. "Hm, let's see-" Ethan stops making coffee and holds his chin with his hand. "Well, she's quite the calm one, I'll tell you that, it seems no matter what is going on the battlefield, she always keeps her composure. She's a real asset for that. Hm, I would say, she's one of the characters in anime or manga, where she lets you underestimate her and then she takes you down! Yeah. That's something like her." Gin nodded as he took a small glance at the coffee. "What about you?" Ethan asked Gin.

"Eh? Huh?" Gin was puzzled for a second. "What about you on the battlefield? How are you? What's your speciality?" Gin's only been in a couple battles and mostly been training, so his experience in battle is a bit low, but he wants to get it up more. "I'm eh..." Gin chuckles as he scratches the top of  his head.

"Hmm, well, if you wish to face greater danger in the future, you're going to need more than just training, you'll also need real experience in battle, so let's see, how about this-"

"How about you and I battle each other?"

This is what Ethan asked Gin, as Gin gasped and began feeling a bit tensed, he gulped and started remembering his mission. He then put on a serious face, one with more determination in his eyes, and shows off a fierce smirk. "You're on."

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