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I don't own Percy Jackson

Third person POV

Percy Jackson woke up on Monday morning, like any other morning. His alarm went off and he buried his head under his pillow. Burrowing under and groaning at his alarm, knowing that if he paid attention to it he would have to get up. His mom was already at work and he knew that Gabe was passed out on the couch surrounded by beer cans after another night of drinking and gambling. He groaned, thinking about school, another day of unrelenting teasing that he faced at school. He never understood why people bullied him though.

He got up and dressed in ratty jeans and a blue t-shirt before zipping his black jacket over it. Looking at the time he cursed,running his hands through his hair, he was going to miss the bus.

Running out of the small apartment, Percy tripped over one of Gabe's beer cans as put on his shoes. He glared at the mess in the living room that he knew he would clean up so his mom could relax when she got home.

Percy finally got out of the small apartment and ran towards the bus station, his light backpack crashing into his back as he ran. Just as he reached the station he saw the bus he needed to be on pulling away. He sighed and started to walk, knowing he would be late to his second class, completely missing his first. Content with that knowledge, he began his walk.

An hour and a half later he slipped into the school building. He snuck around the secretary and went to music, his favorite class. He walked over to Ms. Carlin and explained why he had missed the first few minutes, she smiled and sent him to his seat. She had always liked Percy Jackson, a wonderful music student, even if he couldn't read the sheet music.

He walked to the back corner and sat down. He took out the paper that had his song and tried to go over it a couple of times.

"Percy!" He looked up, confused why someone had called his name. Ms. Carlin gestured towards the front of the room. Percy stood before sighing and going up with his sheet music. "Who's your partner, Percy?" Ms. Carlin asked.

"I don't have one, I'm singing "Glitter and Gold"" he muttered. She nodded and he began.

Several minutes later, Percy finished singing, drawing out the last note of the song.He opened his eyes, not realizing he'd closed them and stepped down from the stage. He kept his eyes down, never looking up at his peers. He never looked at them.

A couple more people sang their songs before the bell rang. Percy darted out of the room, sliding along the wall to his next class. He kept his eyes down, not looking at the people in the hall with him. He did the same thing between each of his classes. Always against the wall, never wanting attention drawn to himself. With attention to him, pain seemed to follow closely behind.

Two classes passed before lunch, leaving his fourth class he moved quietly through the crowd to go outside. He went out and sat underneath a tree on the far end of the school, he leaned his head back and looked up at the clear blue spring sky, digging his hands into the fresh grass and closed his eyes. He let his body relax as he felt the peace from the only good part of his day ease him into the rest of his day.

Half an hour later the bell rang, he stood up, brushed himself off and walked back into the school, mentally preparing himself for English. On his way in he passed by a boy in dark clothes, dark everything, someone that he had never seen before. Percy looked at him curiously, then he ran into a wall. Rubbing the bump on his head and frowning he walked into Mr. Parr's classroom and sat at his desk wishing for the rest of the day to pass quickly.

Three classes later, the final bell rang and he let out a tired sigh and began his walk to the bus station before deciding that he'd rather walk. He slumped and started moving towards his apartment.

Percy POV

I sang under my breathe as I walked home, keeping to the shadows. New York during the day is just as dangerous as it is at night. I walked down the alley connecting the street over to the one my apartment was on. I felt eyes watching me. I glanced behind myself, not seeing anything I frowned and turned back. I sped up, taking large glides down the alleyway.

Then I heard the growl, my hair stood on end, and I whipped my head back around to see a large dog. Confused, I turned back walking quickly out to the street. Just before I reached the street something tugged me back by my shirt. I looked down to see what I thought had been a bog but looked more burly, it definitely wasn't a dog. I tried to move forward, out of its reach.

I let out a startled yelp as the dog thing pushed me into a wall. The back of my head hit the brick roughly and I slid down the wall groaning. The thing advanced on me slowly, I held up my hands attempting to hold it back, maybe to come to peace with it. I wasn't quite sure.

 It smelled the air and I realized just how scared I was, the animal pushed my hands away with its head, almost gently, before advancing. My breathe quickened as its face got close to my head, it bared its fangs at me and I tried to move out of the way. I tried to duck my head down and crawl underneath it.

That was my biggest mistake.

The thing stepped on my leg and bit into my arm. I screamed in pain as the animals powerful jaw sunk into my muscle, shredding tissue and ripping veins. With my other arm I pushed on its head trying to remove it from my arm, only ending in the wolf thing clenching its jaw. My only thought was to get away, to get it off of me.

I screamed and thrashed in an attempt to remove the wolf from my flesh. It released my arm only to bite my shoulder, I could feel blood dripping down my chest. Then it just walked away. I couldn't move, I couldn't even think. I just laid there. Waiting for the darkness, knowing it was coming. I could feel my blood soaking through my jacket as my shredded arm laid against the wall.

Then just like that I was gone. My eyes slid closed and I let go of whatever kept me on the earth.

When I woke up I was in a dark room laying on silk. I sat up stunned, I could't see a thing. I was supposed to be dead, I had felt myself die. I looked around, confused. Then a door opened and a light came on, even a dim light like that hurt my eyes after the inky black. A man stepped through the door and I squinted at him.

"Percy Jackson, welcome to my home, I am Chaos, and I will train you," I passed out. I didn't know what was going on.

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