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I don't own Percy Jackson


Percy POV

Captains log

It had been two weeks. Two weeks of the endless mind numbing following, like a puppy, to the king of the ship. Nico, he's magnificent, olive skinned perfection, and yet I hate him. I hate the way my heart flutters when he walks into a room just to order me around. I hate how his voice makes my knees weak. I hate him, but I can't either because I have to bring him down for Chaos, It is why I am here.

After that first night, when he was seductive and welcoming, he grew colder, not physically, but he spoke with ice lining his words. Until the last word he spoke before he left the room, sounding like a baking cookie. It was disconcerting, but our time together was coming to an end, two weeks was enough. It is time to leave the Alexandria.

End Captains log

"Mavrek! Come on It's time to go!" I could hear Thalia shouting at me through our link.

"Chill out Thals, we have an hour before we bust out," I thought back at her.

 Talking through our link was the only way to not be caught because regardless of the overwhelming size of the Alexandria, monsters where fucking everywhere, at all times of the day. We were docking at a port in Europe in an hour and making our grand escape there. I'll open a void in a gathering area that we've already decided on and we'll step through back to Camp Half-Blood, and prepare for the war.

As I thought about our escape, there was a sudden pounding on my door, I stood to open it but someone burst through. I stepped back in surprise, to see an angry Italian.

"So that's it? You're leaving?" He ranted at me, I could feel the heat rising beneath his skin.

"Wait, what do you mean leaving? My mates and I are devoted to you and you alone, Nico," I said his name with a bit of emphasis thoroughly confused as to how he was aware of our plans.

"Please, I know everything. I see everything. Even when you're talking in your head. I know. Especially concerning you. Mi amore... why do you wish to leave me."  He said, each word he took a step closer to me. Coming close enough to hold me to him. I winced, his smooth baritone soothing and calming me, regardless of his unpleasant words spoken to me.

"I don't know what you mean," I said nervously. He glared at me, his arms wrapping around my back, his face slipping down to rest in the crook of my neck.

 " Don't leave carino, we still hardly know each other. I don't want you to go." I could feel the sweat dripping down my spine, we didn't have very long before we had to leave. I almost hated the idea of leaving his arms, but we had to go.

"Fine, you're right, I am leaving. But I have to. You don't and can't understand. Goodbye." I said as I pulled out of his arms. I almost went back, he looked so distressed. I knew that his understanding would be full and complete, but he would probably kill me for spying on him for two weeks. I ran to Thalia's room.

"Thal we have to go right fucking now, any longer and we'll be made."

"Shit," she said, "send everyone an emergency signal, straight out to the deck, and you can open the hole." I grimaced, I hated having to do that still.I sent out the message to my team, on the deck, two minutes. Thalia and I ran up to the deck quickly. 

Zoe, Ethan, and Leo were on the deck already, ready to go. Each had all of the stuff that they had brought with them. Zoe had her hand on her bow over her shoulder, Leo had fire dancing on his fingertips, Ethan had his hand resting on his knife in his belt.

"Alright are you guys ready?" I asked, focusing on Chaos' influence in my blood, opening a black hole in front of us, "Quick, I can only hold it open for a moment." They jumped into the hole just as Nico burst onto the deck.

"Stop!" He screamed towards us. I frowned sadly at him before stepping into my own black hole.

"Goodbye Nico, I'm sorry." The hole closed around us, the last thing that I saw was Nico's heartbroken face. 

--Zoe's POV--

I wonder what that was, Nico looked so sad when Mavrek closed the black hole. We were still standing in the darkness, walking to where Mavrek opened up the Black hole. We stepped out into the middle of the mess hall.

--Percy POV--

Opening up a black hole right on top of the head table may not have been my best idea. It may have been even worse that immediately after that, I melted into the table, traveling back to the Chaos cabin. Leaving my friends to deal with answering the incessant questions of the campers and directors.

"Shit," I muttered to myself, slamming the door to my room, my hands buried in my hair. How stupid could I have been? Falling for the guy trying to take over the fucking world. I know it was only two weeks but he was perfect.

"Percy," I turned around to see Chaos. I got on one knee before him, bowing down to him.

"Lord Chaos," I said.

"Stand up, Percy. You got the information necessary to defeat the titans." he said, as I stood before him.

"Yes sir I did, Nico is the leader, and Kronos is almost complete. I know his weak spot and defeating him should pose no trouble whatsoever." I said standing at attention eve though my thoughts were in a different world entirely.

"You fell in love as well." I sputtered, I knew that he knew everything but it was almost ridiculous by this point. 

"Well, yes, I did. I refuse to let it distract me from out end goal though. It was only two weeks, Its too quickly to fall in love with someone." I said, my eyes hardening. I knew that being with Nico was a pipe dream that would never come to pass for the commander of a dead army. 

"It's alright Mavrek. You can save him and defeat the titans. There is no need to pick between your mission and your life. I wouldn't have sent you on this mission  if I didn't believe you could handle it." Chaos spoke in his loud voice and then disappeared. I had his blessing. It was time for the next step.

My team marched into the cabin, Bianca with them again. All of them wore scowls, no doubt from having to explain to an extent our findings to the group in the mess hall.

"The second step comes soon," I said to them as they walked in, "Its time." 


A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sorry that it has been forever and a day since I updated, but hopefully I will start updating again. and if not right away then in three weeks I will. So, I would love to mention that I'm looking for a beta, to stop my repetitive ass, if anyone is interested go ahead and message me! Thank you guys so much for reading.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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