So, What's Next?

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I don't own Percy Jackson

Sorry about any OOC

Percys POV

The next couple of days passed uneventfully. A couple of war meetings were held, coming to no desicions whatsoever. So I decided it was time to do some field work.

"Meeting in the living room, now! Get your lazy asses in here!" I yelled out to my soldiers. Very slowly they inched out of their rooms. Ethan glared at me with his good eye, Thalia had lightning sparking in her hair, I could almost hear Zoe plotting my murder when she walked out of her room.

"Stop trying to kill me Zoe." I muttered as I glared at her.

"Then don't ever wake me up at 6AM. I was a huntress for 2000 years. I taught you archery, I could kill you easily."

"Stop threatening me, Zoe, your out here for a reason, and I was trained by Chaos. That outranks your 2000 years of experience and I'm a badass, and you know it."

"Shut the fuck up Mav, and tell us what you want." Her foot was tapping and she kept tilting, like she would fall over if she didn't get to bed.

"Right, were heading into the titans' territory. I'm done sitting around waiting for Chiron to come to a desicion. Were taking it into our own hands, which means, Bee I'm sorry, but were off to meet General Nico, to join the army." I looked at Bianca as I told her this. Her expression changed several times in 5 seconds. It changed from sad, to angry, to neutral, to crazy. Then she went back to angry and stayed there.

"Mavrek, I know that your bored and twitchy, but I'll kill you before Zoe gets the chance to if you make me go see my younger brother." She got louder as she spoke, I could tell she was pissed.

"I wasn't going to suggest you go, Bee, I was going to ask you to stay here and attend the meetings and keep snooping campers out of our cabin. I can hear them thinking about sneaking in. They keep thinking about stealing our clothes." It bugged me occasionally, I could here peoples thoughts. Which became in issue when they started coming up with fantasies of sleeping with one of my warriors or myself.

"When are we leaving Mav?"asked Leo with a smile. He was such a cheerful person, he was a son of Hephestus. A little fire bug.

I smiled back at him, "We're leaving at 12. We'll get lunch and take off." We had bonded over the past 3 years. After he came to Chaos' army, he was awkward and shy and learning about his fire ability. I was learning about my heritage, including my ability to control water. One day, he caught one of the other warriors on fire, he was depressed because it was the anniversary of his mothers death. I put out the fire and helped him through the day, we became close friends after that.

The group dispersed, Bianca went to the big house, Zoe went back to bed, Leo went to his room to pack, the others went out into the camp to do their morning workouts. I followed Bianca to the big house. On the way there we ran into Chiron.

"Chiron, I have to speak with you."

"Ah yes of couse commander Mavrek, how can I help?"

"At noon my warriors and I plan on leaving. Bee will be staying here to help with the meetings as well as ways to help make desicions to help with the war." Chirons eyes widened, "we'll leave at twelve."

"I don't think that your allowed to leave."

"Excuse me?" I was confused as to why I wasn't allowed to leave, not that I was going to listen to that. Then lightning struck, in the camp borders.

"Your correct, Chiron." Zeus said, my eyes narrowed at him, "you cannot leave the camp Mavrek, the gods made a consecutive decision."

"Oh my, a consecutive decision? What ever will I do?" I rolled my eyes, "Sir with all due respect, kindly fuck off. I told you before, but let me remind you, I'm Lord Chaos' armies commander. I can kill gods, and I am leaving." He scowled at me.

"What makes you think we'll let you leave, boy?"

"I just told you... I can kill gods, and I'm leaving. You can't stop me, but if you need more of an insentive, then, Pinecone face, get in here," I yelled out to Thalia, when she walked in she let sparks move down her fingers.

"What is the meaning of this?" Zeus half yelled, half stuttered as he looked at Thalia, "T-thalia? H-how are you here?"

"Zeus, we are leaving. I am second in command in Chaos' army, I was brought back, to answer your question."

"Thalia, why didn't you ever come back if you were alive?"

"I was training, you abandoned me, you turned me into a tree, and when I was revived, you didn't help me when Atlas stabbed me two years ago. No, you let me die." Zeus looked almost looked guilty, but then his expression hardened.

"You are a demigod, its your nature to die," I backed away, I knew what Thalia was like when she was angry, her eyes flashed bright white and lightning arced down her arms.

"Its my nature? My fucking nature? Are you fucking with me?" She glared at him until he backed out a little. Then Thalia turned around and grabbed my arm, "get me out of here."

So I grabbed her arm that wasn't holding on to mine and slipped through the shadows.

"You alright Thalia? I'm sorry I called you in there," she smirked at me.

"Its good, I don't care that he abandoned me. I found you guys and now he's distracted. We're good to go." I loved it when she did that.

"Perfect," I looked at my watch, "shit we've got to go. Grab your bags and let the others know to meet us at the entrance." Then she walked away and I walked up the hill to the entrance. I sent out a mental message to my warriors, telling them to meet me there in case Thalia missed someone.

A couple minutes later everyone, excluding Bianca, was there.

"So so so Mavrek, where are we going first!?" Leo was practically bouncing as he asked.

"Calm down Leo. We're starting out on the Princess Andromeda. I found Nico," and we were off.


Again sorry about any OOCness, I had a little bit of writers blo

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