Chapter 1

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The lines of people began to move more quickly now, the carts appeared more often, and Miss Kingsley just waved me farewell. I didn't wave back. What's wrong with me? We are the last group to leave now. Mack and Karla were the only other ones in my group. I didn't want to talk to either of them, I just wanted to see daddy again. But he had walked away without a fight. Why should I care about him anymore? 'Because he's your father' Karla would tell me. I'd just wait till she turned around and gave her the finger, much to Mack's amusement. Mack intrigues me more than most of the other boys I've met before, and to be quite honest, I like him more than any other boy I've met before. 

Back to dad then, I always seem to get carried away; I guess I kinda changed when I saw the first head splatter against the window. Sure enough, puking on Karla's hair would be good fun, but I don't care much in wasting anything in my body for the likes of her. Oh look! I've gotten carried away yet again.

Ugh, now she's giving me the evils as I write this in my journal for you to read later on in my life. I think I might've died in a ditch somewhere and someone had just found this tattered book and, out of curiosity, decided to start reading it. Bastards. Well, I guess my legacy should live on. Hmm, I wonder what my children would look like. Hmmm, Mack...

You should probably stop reading this now, and go back to whatever you do normally, instead of reading some poor girl's journal you nosy little buggar, can't you see that the 'italics' mean I'm writing part of my journal? Wow, some people are really--

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"Lib, c'mon, the cart's here." Mack; his outstretched hand inviting me to take it. 

"Thanks." I said, pulling myself off the floor along with the journal and my- daddy's gun. How he expects me to use it, I will never know.

"Hey," he caught my arm as I began to walk out, "It's going to be alright." 

I looked at him, "Yeah, it is." I slipped my hand free and walked out the door.

I gripped the side of the wooden cart and hauled myself in, quite smug in the way I left Mack in the doorway. Then I began to feel bad, he didn't deserve that, he was, what, the same age as me? He's going through the same things as me, his dad's dead and his mum's on the cart with Miss Kingsley and her two children. And Karla? Well, fuck her. Karla smirked at me as I got in, and nodded towards my shoe. And fuck the horse that just let rip all over the ground. We waited another five minutes before we got a little worried about Mack. 

"I'll go in." Karla said to me. I stopped her with my arm, sending her a warning glance before I got out. 

"I'll go." I said, my hand hovering over the cold hilt of the gun.

"Mack?" I called as I strode inside, propping the door open with a rock as if to initiate some sort of quick escape. "Mack?!" I snapped out the words, growing even more concerned. The sharp crash of a table being broken in two sent me over the edge. "Omygod! Mack! Fuck, Mack?!" I cried as i rounded the corner, gun drawn Charlie's Angel style. The door on my left flew off its hinges as Mack and the... The... What the fuck was that? They both tumbled towards me, so I rolled out the way and turned to face them both.

"Libby, run!" Followed by a whoosh of air was all that came from Mack's mouth as he was crushed by whatever that was.

"No! Fuck, what is that thing?" He rammed his knee into it's groin and swapped places with it.

I saw its face.

"Libby, go."

"No, I'm not leaving you here!" I pulled my gun up to its head and pulled the trigger. the crack of the bullet and the splay of orange gloop that came from its head covered Mack and me head to toe. 

"What the fuck was that?!" I yelled as I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from it, keeping the gun in my hand and locked onto the creature. Its skin was cracked and pale blue, one of its eyes hung from the socket and the other one covered part of Mack and part of the wall. The head was cracked open and part of its brain-matter hung loosely, draped across the floor. I looked at Mack then back at this thing. We came to the same conclusion.


We ran from the parlour and dove into the cart. "Go. Now." I said to Karla, who took the reins of the horses and snapped them to their chestnut coloured backs.

"What's the hold up, cap?" She said, addressing Mack.

"Zombie." We said in unison, and the concerned look in Karla's eye when she turned around to check our faces said it all. She whipped the horses again, speeding them up, and they galloped into the forest, away from the town house.

 ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

What the fuck? What the actual fuck? A fucking zombie, they left us alone with a fucking zombie in the back room. What the fuck? That stupid bitch Miss Kingsley is in for something when we get to the stronghold, I swear to all that's holy. 

On another note, i didn't actually get back to dad in the end, and I haven't fully explained myself to you either, so I should probably do that first.

Hi, my name is Olive Patrick, but people call me Libby. I'm 15. Well, I'm 14, 15 next week. All this talk of numbers is draining you out huh? Why are you reading this? You have to be nosy if you're still reading my journal, I mean really, just stick to the story parts and you'll be fine. You won't need to know about my many emotions and how I feel about people and what they mean to me. You should really just stick to the story, or you might start crying like I am and kill someone out of your need for vengeance upon reading my journal. Hell, you won't, you can't feel. Are you sure you're not a Zombie too? 

I've gone off on a tangent, sorry. I guess this whole thing started 3 months ago. My mum came into the house from work one day in a hurry with a box of things and explained to us we had to move. Away from all our friends and our home. My school and...

God, what am I talking about. You don't need to know.

 ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

I looked up from the journal and hooked it to my belt behind my gun.

"Mack. I'm sorry." He turned his head to me, his eyes bright and wide like a cat's. "I'm really sorry." I reached over and touched his arm. He smiled at me, which was something, he smiled and took my hand. And my heart stumbled. 

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