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No matter how hard I try I get lost in the darkness. I try and find the light at the end of the tunnel but I can't I'm lost. I wish that sometimes I wasn't here, I wasn't alive but unfortunately I am.

I wish that sometimes I could just tell everyone what I was thinking but I can't. I go to but then I say something totally different because I know that if I tell them they'll want me away so "I don't bring them down". And that hurts but they'd do it in one way or another.

When you chose what classes you do you don't think about how your emotions can ruin what little hope of finishing school you have left. You think I can do this it's no big deal if that person can I can, when you know you can't. You get so lost at school because you don't get what the teacher is on about or you fall behind in the work and you're already basically failed.

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