The people around me

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At school I've got this amazing group, who I love. And I wish I could tell them what happens in my head and why I'm like how i am.

In the group there's 11 of us, all friends one way or another. There's 3 guys and 8 girls, everyone different in there own way.

The girls are not what you'd expect, most are quiet and distant but the 2 I'm closest with are amazing. I would do anything for them even plan their wedding. I found something out about one of the girls who I'm closest with I already kinda knew but didn't ask cause I didn't want to offend her. The other was shocked I could tell just by her expression which is understandable. I'm guessing she just wasn't expecting for our friend to be like she is.

There's also the 3 guys who are unique in their personalities. There's a guy who spends most of his time goofing around and just making people laugh. I think of him as a big teddy bear and starting to think of him as a brother just because of how close we're becoming, he's already a better brother than what mine is.

Then there's the other guy who is like the 1st guy but different in ways people wouldn't guess. He's more or less a teddy bear too but more compassionate who's been through a lot all ready.

Then there's the 3rd guy who is the one of the most sweetest guys I've met, we talk nearly everyday, he makes me actually laugh and smile which is strange. I like him I do but I can't get past the past it's always in the back of my mind going round and round and making me more distant and I hate it!!! Lately we've gotten closer and it has caused a few things to be said but I don't really care. I just want to be able to move past what's being said and maybe be a couple with this guy in the future but I just don't know.

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