2. Egging with the enemy

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The next day after school, when sadie came down in her workout clothes, headphones in ear, listening to j cole on shuffle, Austin's voice boomed from the kitchen. 

"Just to let you know, Dana is coming over tonight" sadie didn't have time to cautiously choose her next words.

"What why?" she said with a hint of disgust slipping her lips. Dana was going to be in her house, on her couch, where she ate? where she watched t.v? to be fair, it wasn't technically her house, but she still didn't want her here.

"Because she's my girlfriend. Sadie i haven't had a girlfriend in a really long time, ok please don't mess this up for me. At least try to be civil with her." Civil is a two person part, she thought opening the door, and smiling as the warm air hit her, and he tension released. 

"umhumm" she muttered before leaving, she let the door close and heard austin call out "i trust you" she ignored him knowing that she could keep her cool with dana, if dana did the same. She walked down the long way slightly procrastinating the workout. This path was much nicer though, and she needed the stress reliever. Palm trees, the boardwalk, a lot of people on vacation. She was happy to live here, she felt like it was a vacation all the time. 

"Hey" she heard, and kept walking, not sure if the calling was for her. "Hey sadie wait up" this time she had to turn around. not many people had the name sadie, so it was a good enough chance that this was for her. she turned around and saw a shirtless drew jogging over toward her. How was he so attractive? she thought trying to keep her cool and not sound nervous when he talked to her.

"So either you are not going to the beach or you are allergic to the sun?" he offered smiling, showing a row of perfectly white teeth. sadie played with her auburn hair, and responded 

"Well I'm not allergic to the sun, but i am going to the gym" she motioned to her sneakers, headphones and water bottle. 

"Too bad" he pouted. "Next time you should stay, i'll buy you a snow cone. They do it really good her it s like 10 parts syrup and  1 part ice." sadie nodded pretending this was new information to her. Less than a week ago she had been enjoying what was probably her 1,000th blue snow cone. 

"Im not in any rush" she offered. The tips of Austin's ears turned red, and he snapped out of the blushing. he grabbed the bag of stuff out of her hands, after seeing the red mark it caused on her shoulder from being too heavy. she bit the inside of her lip from squealing, and he pulled out a 10 dollar bill.

Sadie ate her blue snow cone feeling really excited for the first time in a while. Still she didn't want a boyfriend. Drew was really attractive and athletic, and she would be lucky to go out with a guy like him, but she was more excited over the attention. it had been awhile since a guy really showed any interest in her. Its not that she wasn't pretty, she was she had big green eyes and long legs, it was just that she wasn't throwing herself at the guys like other girls in the school were. She was hoping for more of a friendship with drew just now. 

"Well i guess i should go if i want to get to the gym and back for Austin's date with dana" she pouted. 
"Yea why is austin dating that chick? She's really not all that." Drew said surprising Sadie.
"Im just about as clueless as you are, so what did you date her?" drew raised his eyebrow and cleared his throat.

"Date her?" he stifled a laugh. Sadie's face turned red and she nodded. 
"Gotcha"she forgot that dating was hard to come by at this school between athletes, and girls like dana, so she dropped the subject. 
"well good luck tonight, here ill give you my number incase you need someone to save you" he laughed half serious. She smiled at his smooth gesture and held out her phone to him.

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