4. How to bait and hook

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"Im not used to being ignored" Sadie heard from behind her. Her mouth froze mid bite of a strawberry Ice pop. She turned around and gave a guilty half grin to Dallas, who made himself comfortable next to her on her beach towel. to be fair, it had been almost a week now. Days had passed, there had been drew, and constant drama with austin. Life was hectic. "So what was it? the frozen pizza?" he asked playfully.

"The frozen pizza was delicious" She stood up and threw the popsicle stick out. "What?" she said turning around to see Dallas pouting. 

"You don't read the joke?" Insinuating that she threw out the popsicle, before she read the joke on the stick. Laughing sadie sat back down. 

"Why do you think so little of me" she said challenging him. "What can you steal and not get arrested for?" 
"Second base!" he cut in. "I like the way that company thinks." Sadie rolled her eyes. guys are disgusting

"Why are you here?" Sadie asked, suprised at the edge in her voice. She didn't mind him being there, but she didn't want to seem clingy like the girls he was used to.

"Public beach babe. I'm probably here for the same reasons as you, swim, relax, avoid my awful cousin and his awful boyfriend" catching sadie off guard, she started laughing. She couldn't pretend it wasn't funny, and it was sweet that he had paid attention to her. That was actually part of the reason she had went to the beach, but joelle was supposed to meet her, so they could play a game of beach volleyball. They weren't all that great but, but volleyball guys were really cute. After the second time forgetting that joelle had a boyfriend now, she cancelled for a date. But dallas was here.

"What do you say?" Sadie asked motioning over to the net. His green eyes twinkled, pleased that she didn't tell him to go away yet.

"You sure you want to do that? I'm quite the varsity athlete." Sadie rolled her eyes, and grabbed onto Dallas' hand to get up. Wiping the sand of her legs she said

"I've never been afraid of a Ridgeview boy before"

"And that's game" he said meeting sadie up at the net. He hooked his fingers though the holes and smiled at her. "What were you saying again about Ridgeview guys?" Sadie huffed

"I'm not scared of them" she offered up, ignoring the satisfactory look in his eyes. "So what's one game" she said accepting her defeat.

"We could play another?" Sadie shook her head and picked up her towel.

"I think I should get going actually" she stuffed sunscreen and her book back into her bag.

"Bye Ridgewood" she smiled before turning around.

"Let's do this again sometime Greensdale" she didn't turn around to acknowledge him, but on the inside she was squealing like a little dolphin. He had been so attractive playing. He was the kind of person who was so athletic any sport could be played with ease. Not to Mention any time the ball would go flying out of bounds, he would tell her not to worry he's got it. Small things a gentleman would Do. He definitely knew how to play, and even more definitely knew how to play girls. She pressured herself not to be one of them.

Only ten minutes later Sadie was back in the comfort of her own home, working on a science  project that she had procrastinated to the last minute.

"Austin" she called, and then heard the thud of feet on the stairs.

"What's up" he greeted her.

"Can you help me?" She pushed the project rubric toward him. The smarter relative. The straight a student.

"No can do cus" he said pushing it back to her. "I'm going out with dana" she rolled her eyes. She had barley seen him all week.

"Since when?" He pulled out his phone and texted her.

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