5. Take me to the candy shop

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"You look nice with your hair down" Dallas said as he opened the door for sadie. This was going to be harder than she thought. She jumped into the passenger seat, and immediately had a flashback to eating the cold pizza. Maybe it was being in the car that reminded her, or the fact that there was a slight stench of oregano and pizza sauce. The first few minutes of the drive, they sat there in silence. He focused on the road, and she focused out the window, searching for anything to say.

"So" he took a sip of what looked like a McDonalds sprite, before continuing. "How did your brother feel about us going out tonight?" he asked. Annoyed, sadie rolled her eyes. his eyes were on the road, so she bet herself that he didn't see that. There was a good chance that he was doing the same thing she was. Getting revenge. Although her reason was more practical, and his would be just out of hatred for austin.

"Hes not my brother" she said. He raised an eyebrow. "He's my cousin, and really don't think about him" He took the hint and got off the subject of austin. Perfect timing, because he pulled into an empty lot. Sadie felt her stomach turn. She didn't know where he was taking her, and from the looks of it, an empty parking lot didn't look promising. where was the duct tape? the blindfold? was he secretly a killer and the smell of pizza was really a rotting body. Sure she was paranoid, but she usually took caution before going out on dates. 

"Get out" he said, less gentleman like. She got out, gripping her phone tight. Good thing she had austin on speed dial. 
"Where are we going?" He smiled revealing a dimple, and then he took her hand. It was getting dark, so he lead the way. Eventually they came to a small building, and once again he opened the door for her and let her in.

Inside was literally her childhood dream. It was a candy shop that was covered from wall to wall in sugar and colorful goodness. He eyes were wide, and she heard Dallas snicker. (No pun intended)

"Pick out anything you want" he said to her handing her a scoop and a bag. She gave him puppy dog eyes, not able to hold back her excitement. She went over to the gummy section and filled half the bag with gummy coke bottles.  Then she got malted milk balls, wax bottles, razzle dazzles, and an extra long nerd rope. 

"Im all set" Sadie smiled walking over to Dallas who had picked out 1/3rd of what she got. She winced at her bag, feeling like a pig. He glanced at hers too. She hadn't considered paying by weight.

"I guess i went a little overboard, ill pay for mine" she offered up. He shook his head, and she opened her mouth to speak again when he cut in

"Nah, its cool, i like a girl that can eat" here he went again with those dimples. "Plus this is my grandma's store, we don't have to pay for any of it" With that a cute little lady came out from the back room and her eyes lit up when she saw him. Well thats what sadie figured, because considering she didn't know the lady, it would be kind of strange if she liked seeing her so much.

"Dallas" she came over with open arms. he hugged her and kissed her on the cheek, melting sadie's heart. She loved this kind of stuff. She pinched his cheeks, and he muttered something to her, his face turning bright red.

"Im sadie" she smiled. Dallas's grandma turned around and pulled her into a huge bear hug as well, shocked she giggled. 

"Its nice to meet you Sadie" 


"Look" he said holding out the bag to Sadie. Looking, she didn't see anything special. "I got the most sour candy i could find. Wanna have a contest?" this was not what sadie was expecting. She felt like a six year old, not a girl on a date. and she loved it. It wasn't awkward, and he wasn't pushing her into anything. 

"Sure" she accepted taking a toxic waste.

"Ok, so the rules are, the first person to make a face loses. or the first person to spit it out. If i win you do something for me" he winked. there it was. There was the Dallas she heard about. she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. "And if you win, you can make me do anything" she bit the inside of her lip. For all he knew she could tell him to dress up in a bikini and wear it to school. She laughed at the thought. it would be worth it.

"Game on" she smiled. 

They both popped the toxic waste into their mouths. The second The sourness hit her, her eye twitched, and she scrunched up her nose. He pointed to her and then did a victory fist pump. To be fair, she had no idea what to expect, and he probably played this game with a million girls. 

"So i want" he  tapped his chin to create suspense. It wasn't suspense. he wanted sex. she knew it, and she felt the urge to get out right there. She wasn't going to do it. "I want a second date" he smiled a large shy grin on his face. Her mouth dropped to the floor. when he saw it he cringed. "or not. its fine" he said brushing it off, and then pretending to fiddle with his watch. 

"No, of course, i just wasn't expecting that" He looked confused for a second and then his face tensed.
"Don't believe rumors Sadie" he said sharply. But seriously they weren't rumors. She knew all about it, even if he denied it. Still, her plan was working perfectly. hooked and bait. she played it off. and pretended to be confused too.

"Thats not what i meant. I meant i thought you weren't the dating type" 
"My dad once told me i could be anything i want" His joke surprised her and she bursted out laughing sourness running up to her nose. He laughed too his eyes filling with pride. "Ok, so second date, ill let you pick. Where do you want to go?" sadie thought about it for a moment and then her eyes lit up.

"Lets go to that haunted house" With his perfect lips curling into a devilish grin he asked
"You like scary babe" she nodded. She kind of did, nothing crazy, put haunted houses were cute.
"Ill take you some place even better" so much for picking the date. But she agreed, smiling the whole time that he took her back to her house. As he was about to get out of the car, the porch light flicked on and he looked at her in utter horror. She laughed, knowing he didn't want to make an impression on her aunt and uncle, she waved her hand.

"Its fine, you don't have to walk me" his face softened and he pulled her in. eyes tense, roughly he was going in for a make out. Sadie pulled back slightly, when he could tell that she didn't want that, he pulled her hair behind her ear and kissed her gently on the lips. she didn't even have to say no. jumping out of the car, she whispered a goodnight. he didn't say anything back he just sat there looking at her and smiling. When she got to her porch, and the opened the door, she heard the engine start. holding back a squeal she grabbed her phone and texted Joelle.

s- Dallas is nothing like i thought he'd be 
j- I've been waiting! tell me everything.

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