3. The way to a girls heart is pizza

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"This is not how i expected my night to turn out" Sadie said sitting in Dallas's jeep, outside of a house with music blaring and red solo cups scattered all over the lawn. 

"Are you not enjoying yourself?" he asked between bites of cold pizza. "I know a lot of girls who would would be happy to be in your spot right now" this was going to be harder than Sadie thought. Curse the universe for making the hot guys be such pigs. 

"Not overwhelmingly, Just think of yourself as a get away driver" she reached into the back and grabbed a piece of frozen pizza. She never fully got to eat her dinner, and her stomach was beginning to do somersaults. He looked at her with faint admiration in his eyes and gave her a half confused smile.

"What? is this the first time you've seen a girl eat?" sadie said laughing along with him. She licked the top of her pinky finger. "Uhmmm and so tasty too" she teased turning toward the window. the thoughts ran through her head like olympians. This was nothing like her, but she had to admit it was fun. 

"To be fair this is not how i expected my night to turn out either" Sadie turned back to face him. 
"What exactly were your plans? egg my house, get drunk, hook up with some girl and repeat?" 
"Well i wasn't planning on egging your house twice" he winked. 

"Hum so two out of three. Im either psychic or you are just extremely predictable." Sadie pulled off a piece of the crust and nibbled on it.

"Well ms. Psychic what do you see in our future." he scooted closer and pretended to be really intrigued. Sadie put a finger to her temple, doing the psychic act. 
"Not much" she concluded. Some people may have figured that was a missed chance to flirt with a guy like Dallas, But she knew these kinds of guys inside and out. It only made him more intrigued.

"Damn" he said and slumped back onto his side, clearly getting a response he wasn't used to. "Can i at least get my money back" he muttered. 

"Clever" she smirked. 

"Well i heard some Psychics try to scam you. I say we try to prove that theory right" 
"Ok, and how do we do that." 

"We could start by making out, and then-" Sadie cut him off mentally throwing up. she unbuckled and turned to face him.
"Your funny you know that" he shrugged, wetting his lips. 
"It was worth a shot" he pulled out his phone. And went to contacts. "How about we just start by you giving me your number?" she looked up at him and then down at the phone pretending to contemplate, and because she thought it was funny making him wait and seeing him start to feel awkward. 

"How about you give me your's instead." she fired back. He bit back a smile and shoved it into his pocket. 



"SADIE JADE HARRISON" Austin boomed when sadie walked into the house. Her face fell. Austin was not exactly the person she wanted to see at the moment. The only person she wanted was Joelle, to watch a scary movie with and talk about plans for the summer with. She didn't want to converse with her backstabbing cousin, who she thought would be asleep by now anyway. Thats one of the reasons why she made Dallas take her home so late. "do you know how scared i was?" his face went from tense to soft. 

"I don't see why i would have to tell you my whereabouts 24/7. Im surprised you even noticed i was gone." she took down the pony tail she had been wearing, and searched for an orange in the fridge, sighing when she realized she gave the fruit to dana.

He ran his hands through his sandy blond hair and gave her an icy glance. "Well what do you want me to do?" knowing where this was heading, he challenged her.

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