Chapter 7

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Kylie's POV

I slept great last night, all snuggled into my bed with my stuffies! I sleep with all of them so they don't get jealous and throw a fit, they like to hog my cot. Sometimes I wake up and I'm sleeping on top of some and I tell them I'm sorry for squishing them, but they get upset and then we hug it out.

I hope today will be better than yesterday, and that I don't shed tears because frankly I don't think I could cry anymore. Speaking of tears, that reminds me... I'm wet. I look over to the baby radio, and clear my throat like I've heard daddy do. "Dada, me wet, you change!" I sit there after declaring my need for a change, and play with my stuffies. Who are currently arguing with each other about who is fluffier.

"Somebody's using big words today I see." I jump straight up out of my position spooked that Daddy came in so quietly.

"No me"

"I'm proud of you baby girl for using your words." It felt like these words Daddy said rolled straight out of his mouth and into my heart, because my little heart became proud of myself, giving me a tad bit of confidence for the day.

Daddy slides the bars down, freeing me from my encampment. He then picks me up, placing me on his hip and walks over to the changing table. As he lays me down gently he coos on how cute I am, and that he is proud of me. My diaper vanishes with the quick tip of the tabs, and is disposed of properly in the diaper pail. My legs are lifted once again as he quickly yet thoroughly wipes me down, and slides a clean one underneath my bum. He lowers my legs and fastens the diaper nice and snuggly.

"What do you want to wear today Ky?" He asks me, this makes my mind race. So many choices. I think for a few moments and then decide, "nothing," sounding more like nutting.

"You can't parade around half naked Little Girl." He pulls out a pair of blue jean overalls from a drawer, and a royal blue plaid shirt, he gets me dressed quickly and brings me downstairs into the kitchen where he sits me in a playpen with banana slices. 

Hmm I think what I can do to entertain myself as Daddy is walking away, got it! Slamming my hands down on the banana slices I instantly get all sticky, it's fun! I keep smashing until Daddy walks in with wide eyes.

"Those were meant to be eaten, not smashed..." He mumbles, I barely being able to hear him as I have managed to somehow get some banana slime in my ears.

"Play Daddy?" My question demands an answer this is life or death. Either he plays with me or I go monkey baby on him. That's when I feel fur sprouting out of my skin, in a few moments I am a wolf pup.

Daddy's POV

I went to get a bib, but it seems like Kylie had a better idea with the bananas which is going to be a pain to get out of her ears. I do not even want to question or know how she got banana in her ears. My little girl asks me to play and before I can give her an answer she randomly shifts into her light brindle colored wolf pup. She cannot control when she shifts and it is at the most random times, hence why almost always someone is with her. With my thoughts all clear I approach the playpen and manage to catch the squirming pup. A pup cannot be contain or else they will sit there and sit there for hours staring into your soul. That happened once, never again. As soon as I let her down, she goes wild and flops into the weirdest position I've ever seen. Guess she forgot how to use her legs. With the hope that she won't do anything stupid for about fifteen seconds, I rush to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee, hurrying back to my pup.

As soon as I enter the room I find my jaw dropping. Kylie's butt is sticking out from the couch cushions her tail wagging, but her head in the crack.

She better not be chewing on my leather couch

Swiftly I place my coffee on the coffee table that is conveniently placed to my right and head over to Kylie. My sons would love to see this so taking out my phone I snap a picture.

I grab the squirming pup and her tongue hangs from her mouth like she's on a high.

I reprimand her and carry her upstairs to my floor, I make my way to Julia's room, not a peep can be heard. The draft coming through the bottom of the door is cooler than usual. My senses pick up the faint scent of musty leaves and the forest. I shake it off due to the fact dirt and leaves always get trekked into the house, especially on a windy day, rainy day, or we let the pups of the pack roam in the edge of the forest, but with plenty of supervision of course.

"Kylie, can you go downstairs for Daddy?" I ask lifting her to face me. In response she licks my nose. I open the laundry chute which is placed in the hallway due to having kids I know that I'll find dirty clothes anywhere. Next to Julia's room is a closet, inside that closet I keep extra sheets, diapers, pillows although we literally have a pillow closet in the store room, due to how many pillows get destroyed due to wolf rages. I grab the item I was looking for, a tiny sled with padded edges. The chute is sorta like a slide, due to how many chutes the pack house has, we designed it so some of them connect, and in case of an attack we can put the kids whether or not they have shifted into the chutes.

We can close off chutes with hidden levers, so the kids don't end up in an obvious location, the laundry room. With the thought of rouges and attacks, we created a secret room that can only be accessed by the chutes. Adults cannot fit through the chutes. How do the kids get out? There is a ladder that reaches to the ceiling where there is a trap door, and a small laundry chute maze until they get to a doggie door where the exit into the doghouse.

I place Kylie into the sled, and down the chute. My sensitive ears pick up her happy yip as she gets to the bottom.

"Julia? I haven't heard a noise from you all morning, are you alright?" I'm concerned, truly I am, usually she's rambunctious.

No reply.

"Julia, if you don't open this door I'm going to invade your privacy in ten seconds!" Her scent is strong, but not that strong, she's probably in her closet or bathroom. Ten seconds pass faster than I had hoped. I twist the knob opening the door.

The window is open and there are muddy footprints leading to her bathroom.

Her bathroom door is closed, that's when I hear the running of water. With no hesitation I grumble to myself and barge through the door. Only to come to see a head to toe muddy Julia, sticks and leaves stuck all over her, a very pungent smell hits my sensitive nose causing my wolf to roll over and play dead in my brain, silly Darius.

"Julia, what happened?" I question, keeping myself reasonably calm for her sneaking out.

She starts to stutter and I can just imagine how many excuses she might be making up. "Do not make any excuses or I will not hesitate to bend you over my lap and spank you."

"I snuck out and got s-s-sprayed by a s-skunk, t-then I tripped over a r-root and tumbled down a hill into a mud pit. T-Then a muddy beast with stumpy legs scared me causing me to run into tree branches." Once again I find my jaw hanging for the second time today, she actually told the truth! No hesitation and no irrational excuses. Maybe she really is changing from being a brat?

"Julia, I am very proud of you for telling the truth, but that doesn't get you out of punishment. But first lets get you cleaned up because honestly you stink." I watch as she trudges to her bathtub/shower and steps into it. I strip off my shirt knowing this is going to be messy. I grab the detachable shower nozzle and turn on the water, I wait until it is warm before allowing Julia to get wet. Once it is warm I place it on blast, and start at her feet. I'm very glad for the larger than normal drain, for the mud coming off of her usually would clog a normal drain. As I am washing off her back, I notice some won't come off, with a closer look I realize they are leeches. Acting like I didn't see them I continue to rinse her off until she is mud free. That's when I announce to her:

"Julia you have leeches."

The next thing I know a naked Julia is running out of the room screaming bloody murder on the top of her lungs.

Author's Note

1600 words in total, longer than usual this chapter took a few days actually that's why I haven't updated.

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