Fresh Meat

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      As I came up to the Cafeteria doors, I was silently thanking God that this was the last part of the tour that my father forced me into doing. Following behind me chattering amongst themselves was a group of about ten people, all new students for Ayon. Sometimes I'm glad my dad's the headmaster but at times like this I hate that he is. Stopping in front of the doors, I turned around to face the group. Noticing that I stopped they all turned their attention to me.

      "This here is the Cafeteria. It's three stories tall just like the dorms and school building. The same structure is found here also with Red Eye on the top floor, Blue Fang on the second and Green Leaf on the ground floor. Except here the students also intermingle on the different levels with their friends from the other houses." I stated as I turned back around and entered the Cafeteria. Walking through the archway into the main room of the Cafeteria the new students could easily see what I was talking about. Even though most students stuck to the floor of their house it was easy to see the students from the other houses since the students wore something related to the house they were in. I looked back at the group to see most of them looking around and one boy staring at something on the second floor. Following his line of sight I saw Jack standing up with an angered expression on her face.  'What pissed her off this time?'

      The boy that was watching Jack suddenly turned to me and said "Excuse me Nikita. Who is that?" before pointing to Jack. Looking at him I considered what to say for a moment.

     "That's Claudia Lennox, one of the top Red Eye students. She's also known around here as Jack because she gets called the jack of all trades in long-range weaponry, so it was shortened to Jack and made her nickname." I started to explain. I was about to say something more when I noticed Carter stand up with her hands in front of her trying to calm Jack down.

       "Come on Jack, calm down! There's no reason to start a fight because of something that was said by an idiot."  she said trying to placate her.

        "HEY! I'm not an idiot!" Elle yelled out also standing up. By now everyone's attention was on the fight about to happen on the second before turning around realizing that it was only Jack and Elle fighting again.

        "Really, could have fooled me with the way you've been acting lately." Jack sneered with sarcasm dripping off each word. Of course Elle being Elle didn't recognize the sarcasm behind the words, which just seemed to make matters worse.

        "We weren't talking about you Elle." Carter stated trying to calm things down, but it didn't seem to work.

        "That's it! If you want a fight you've got one!" Elle screamed at Jack before throwing her backwards into the railing with her telekinesis. Jack slammed into the railing hard and slumpped over a little. From my vantage point I could see a bloodthirsty smirk cross Jack's face then disappear as she stood up. Quicker than anyone could see Jack had Elle pinned to the wall, a few feet off the ground by her neck. Hearing someone calling my name, I looked over in the direction it was coming from.

        "Nikita get those fresh meat out of hear before they really start going at it!" a green leaf student yelled at me as other students started leaving the Cafeteria. Looking back at Jack and Elle, I saw a bloodthirsty gleam enter Elle's eyes. 'Shit it looks like Xena's coming out to play. If Xena comes out then Enyo's probably going to appear also. This is not good at all."

        "Everyone get out of here right now. It looks like the fight's going to be between Xena and Enyo, not Jack and Elle." I shouted out in warning before turning back to the fresh meat... I mean new students. Without saying a word to them I started herding them out of the Cafeteria. Looking over my shoulder I could see Carter rushing out the back doors and watched as Jack got lauched over the railing of the second floor, before the doors to the Cafeteria closed. I tried to do a quick head count of the new students, but was interrupted by a loud bang.

         "Nikita what's going on in there?" one of the new students asked as everyone outside stared at the Cafeteria. I was about to say something when I noticed my dad heading in my direction.

         "Nikita. I just heard what's going on. Is it true that Xena appeared?" he asked once he reached me.

         "Yes and so did Enyo, but it looked like Claudia had gotten control of her and now I'm not so sure anymore." I informed him. He opened his mouth to say something in response, but was cut off by glass shattering . Turning back to the Cafeteria, I noticed a figure silhouetted in the frame of a broken window on the second floor. Squinting against the sunlight I could barely make out a dagger strapped to the person's thigh. Without warning the person I realized to be Elle/Xena jumped from the window. Behind her falling form I could see another form, Jack/Enyo, dive out after her. Right before Elle hit the ground she used her telekinesis to stop herself. Jack however just kept falling and as the ground loomed closer she tucked herself into a ball and rolled as she hit the ground. Now having a clear view of them I could see that they were both covered in bruises, cuts, and scratches and they were breathing heavily.

          All of us, the teachers, students, and fresh meat held our breaths as we waited for one of the to move. It seemed like hours before one of them moved but was in reality only a few minutes. Jack was the one to move first. She started to move towards Elle in slowly wobbly steps then collapsed not even three steps later. Not even five seconds later Elle also collapsed where she stood and we all let our breaths out. Soon after I could hear teachers shouting out orders to the students to check out the damage in the Cafeteria and for some to get the doctor and for others to clear the area. My dad turned back to me and looked at the fresh meat/new students.

        "Well that was exciting to say the least. Now if you'll come with me, I'll finish up the paperwork and give out room assignments." he stated, clapped his hands together, and turned to head back to his office. The group followed after him whispering amongst themselves and wondering what exactly just happened. I shook my head and began to make my way over to Carter, who was standing near Jack and Elle's past out forms. She glanced over at me quickly as I came to a stop beside her but she didn't say anything.

         "Carter do you know what exactly happened today? I mean it's not everyday that both Xena and Enyo come out."

         "Well as you know Xena and Enyo are the more bloodthirsty sides of Elle and Jack's personalities that they can almost be considered split personalities. I noticed that Enyo was restless today due to a bet earlier today. I mean Jack shot the boy who made the bet in the crotch at close range with a rubber bullet, but she had a slight gleam in her eyes that disappeared pretty quickly. I believe that Enyo being restless also caused Xena to become restless, and therefore  when Jack and Elle started to argue it turned into a fight that brought them completely out at the same time." she explained as she paced back and forth in front of me with a hand on her chin and her other hand under her elbow. She looked like she was about to say more, but stopped as the doctor ran up to us. The doctor started spouting off questions that Carter answered to the best of her abilities while I just stared at Elle and Jack. Sighing, I turned around and started back for my workshop hoping that the rest of the afternoon would be peaceful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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