Challenge pt. 1

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     "Hey Dia!" my moronic older brother called to me, using that horrible nickname he gave me, as I was walking towards the dorms.

     "What do you want Dean?" I asked with annoyance clear in my voice. For some reason everyone seems to think that Dean and I are exactly alike just because our personalities and attitudes are  similar. The truth is that we're exact opposities in eye color, hair color, gender, height,  temperament, age, and weapon of choice. I was born a female with light brown wavy hair with natural blonde highlights, blue eyes with hazel flecks, I'm 5'4, with a fiery temper, I'm 17, and I prefer long-range weaponry. Dean was born a male, obviously, with slightly curly dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes with blue flecks, is 6'0, has a calm temper, is 19, and he prefers swords.

     "I've got a challenge for you that you may not be able complete."

     "Really. What's the challenge?" I asked showing my curiousity and masking my intrest for this so called challenge.

     "It has to do with guns." he prompted trying to get me to show my intrest, and unfortunately it worked. I perked up at the mention of guns like a dog does to bacon or a cat to catnip.

    "Alright you have my attention. What challenge do you have for me today? " I feigned non-intrest trying to keep my cool and the fact that I was truly intrested hidden.

    "I kind of bet someone a hundred bucks that you could hit a can off the middle of the Cafeteria roof from dorms' roof." he stated, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. As he did this he looked around while also trying to avoid my eyes. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion before deciding to let it go for now and find out more about this bet.

    "And." I prompted knowing that there was an and. No, scratch that, there's always an and. Every time Dean does something, be it a bet or school or work, there's an and with the explaination.

    "Hebetmeathousandbucksthatyoucouldn'tandIaccepted." he rushed out hoping against hope that I wouldn't understand what he said. I understood perfectly, thanks to one of my best friends talking like that a lot when she has to much sugar, and it translated to 'He bet me a thousand bucks that you couldn't and I accepted.'

    "YOU DID WHAT?!" I screeched at my idiotic older brother, scratch that, my buffoon of a brother. He flinched back from the pitch of my voice, and I smiled, internally of course. Of course he would do something idiotic like this and not think of the consequences of his actions.

    "What's got you so pissed off Jack?" I heard one of my best friends, Elle ask from off to my right. Turning in that direction, I noticed her heading my way with my other best friend Carter slightly behind her.

    "This baboon" I pointed to my brother, "made a stupid bet with someone. If he wins he gets a hundred bucks, and if he loses he pays someone a thousand bucks." They both stared at him with dumbfounded expressions before turning to look at me. I knew what they were going to ask before they could even open their mouths.

     "Before you ask, he bet someone that I could hit a can off the Cafeteria roof from the dorms' roof using a gun." The look of shock and disbelief on their faces was priceless. Things got even better when they turned to my brother.

     "You're an imbecile!" they exclaimed at the same time. I tried to my muffle my laughter behind my hand at the scared look on Dean's face, but ended up on the ground laughing my ass off. All three of them started at me like I was high or crazy, probably crazy. I think that I might actually be crazy, but you kind of have to be a little bit crazy in this line of work.

      "So, when does this little bet of yours take place Nox?" Carter asked using the nickname she gave Dean when we all first met. She even gave me my nickname, Jack, after seeing my skills with any type of long-range weapon.

     "It's right now." he said in a whisper while bringing his hands up to protect his head. 'Did he think that I was going to hit him?'

     Sighing, I turned to look at Carter. "Hey Carter help me choose a rifle to use, so that I can get this bet over with." I said as I turned to head to the armory.I may know guns, but Carter knows the ins and outs of sniper rifles. Once we entered the armory, we headed straight to the rifle section. Grabbing a Dragunov sniper rifle and an M24v sniper rifle, I turned to Carter.

     "Okay Carter. Which sniper rifle is better to use for this challenge?"

     "The Russian Dragunov, because Russian made weapons are more reliable, accurate, and the sight distance is longer than the M24." she replied. I put the M24 back and went to turn around only to catch my foot on a rack and fall to the ground. I groaned at  the pain in my upper body as I pulled myself up. Hearing muffled laughter off to my left, I looked at Carter to she her laughing into her hand.

     "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Laugh it up." I grumbled while leaving the armory with Carter right behind me holding a box of rubber bullets I didn't even see her grab. We didn't talk to each other the whole way back to the Red Eye dorm, since I was mad and decided on ignoring her.

     "Hey Jack. Who's that with Nox and Elle?" Carter asked me when the Red Eye dorm came into view. Noticing the person next to Dean, I immediately wanted to turn tail and run in the opposite direction. It was this kid named Max Wright. He keeps flirting with me and doesn't know how to take NO for an answer. He's a lot like this kid I read about in this stupid vampire romance novel called Twilight. I believe that his name was Mike.....Mike.....Mike something that begins with an N.

      "That thing with Dean and Elle is named Max Wright. He thinks that he's all that and has been trying to get into my pants since he came here last year." I answered sneering his name.

     "Ah. There they are." I heard Elle yell. As we got closer I put a scowl on my face.

     "Dia! This is Max, the kid that I made the bet with." SLAP "Ow. What was that for?" Dean complained actually more like whined.

     "One, calling me Dia and two, for making a bet with that thing." I said with a deadly calm voice. I saw both boys visibly shiver at my voice and start backing away.  When I looked at them, they both froze in their spots. Fear was visible on both of their faces. I stared at them for two more minutes before walking inside the dorm and heading for the stairs. Without even looking, I could tell that Elle and Carter were right behind me and the boys were still outside since I could only hear two other sets of footsteps besides mine. By the time that we made it to the roof, the boys still hadn't moved from their spots. Trust me I know, I checked.

    "Are you two idiots just going to stand there all day or come up here, so we can get this bet over with?" I yelled down at them. I stood looking at them, while loading rubber bullets into a magazine for the Dragunov, until they started moving. When they arrived, I already loaded the magazine, and was sighting the gun.

     "We're here!" Dean exclaimed as they opened the door to the roof. 'Drama queen.'

     "About time." I snapped, "Now where is the can that I have to shoot?"

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