Challenge pt. 2

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   "I set it up in the center of the roof." Max answered while staring at my chest. 'Does this kid think of anything other than sex?'

     SNAP. SNAP. "My eyes are up here not down there you perverted midget." I said snapping my fingers in his face.

      "SO let me get this straight..." Elle interrupted before I could punch the pervert, "if Jack knocks the can off the roof Nox gets a hundred dollars and if Jack misses..."

     "Not fucking likely." I interrupted with a snort.

     "AS I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, if Jack misses Nox has to pay you a thousand dollars."

    "Yep and a date with Claudia." he stated with a smug grin on his face.

    "Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Back up there a sec. Perverted midget say what now. Dean never mentioned anything about a date." I rushed out with a terrified look in my eyes. 'God why couldn't I have been an only child? Why? Why did I have to have a doofus for a brother?'

    "Well that's because he kind of went into shock after hearing a thousand dollars." Max stated with a smug grin on his ugly mug. So in order to wipe that grin off his face, I shot him in the nuts, where the sun don't shine or whatever people want to call it with a rubber bullet. I smirked as he dropped to the ground in pain. With him out of commission and in pain, I turned back to face the roof of the cafeteria. Dropping into my sniping position, I looked through the scope to line up my shot. Slowly exhaling I relaxed my muscles and put my finger on the trigger and slowly pulled. The gun recoiled into my shoulder as the bullet sailed out of the barrel towards the can.

   'Tch. Missed' I thought as the bullet hit the side of the can instead of the center. I kept hitting the can, that was shot into the air by the first bullet, with the other eight bullets until I was out and the can fell to the courtyard below riddled with huge dents. I stood up from my sniping position and turned to face Max, a.k.a the perverted midget, with the Dragunov resting on my shoulder.

    "Okay pay up. Also you owe me $1,000 instead of $100."

    "What? No I don't! The bet was for $100 if you hit the can."

    "Yes, but didn't you know that I charge per bullet and I used ten bullets therefore, you owe me $1,000 and you didn't put a limit on how many bullets I could use." I stated with a smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. Max grumbled under his breath about being outsmarted and handed over the money without any further protest.

     "Alright, now get off this roof and out of my sight before I get more bullets and shoot you in the crotch again." I said or more like order him as I turned around and counted the money. After making sure that there was indeed a $1,000, I took $600 out and split it between Carter and Elle.

    "Hey! Where's my cut of the money?" Dean protested when he noticed I didn't give him anything. Knowing that he'd keep bugging me until I gave him something, I pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to him. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Carter and Elle waiting for me at the roof access door, so I headed over to them.

     "What was up with that whole 'I charge by bullet' thing? You've never done that before." Elle asked as we started walking down the stairs.


     "I thought shooting the little creep in the crotch was payback." Carter stated with confusion on her face and in her voice.

     "Nope." I said popping the p, "That was to get that smug grin off his face and to shut him up for a little bit."

     "You're really sadistic you know that right?" Carter deadpanned.

     "Yea I know, so what do we do now?" I asked turning around to face my best friends and to walk backwards in order to talk to them. Just then my stomach growled loud enough for them to hear causing me to blush bright red.

     "How about lunch?" Carter asked smirking with her upper lip twitching in amusement, trying not to laugh, while Elle was actually on the ground laughing. Me and Carter kind of just stared at her like she was a complete lunatic. While Elle was still on the ground laughing her ass off, me and Carter were slowly inching away. Once we were what we deemed a safe distance away we turned and ran like the hounds of hell were on our heels. Elle immediately noticed us running away and got up to run after us yelling "Hey guys wait up! This isn't funny!"

     "Yes it is!" we yelled still running for the cafeteria. Before we could even make it to the doors we were taclked to the ground by Elle jumping on our backs causing us to in turn face plant and kiss the ground.

     "Gah! Get off fat ass your heavy." I muttered into the ground. I sighed in relief when I felt Elle get off of my back. Standing up, I spit out the dirt in my mouth and dusted off my clothes before turning and slapping Elle upside her head(AN: Gibbs slap NCIS).

     "Ow that hurt. What was that for?" she whinned while holding the back of her head.

     "One you were being an idiot and a crazy lunatic and two just because I can. Now lets go eat." I stated and turned back to the cafeteria doors.

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