Chapter 5

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Juvia's POV


A loud and obnoxious voice came over the speaker, waking me from my sleep.

I groaned and sat up. I knew from the way my hair was weighted I had the most apparent bed head.

I sighed and tied it up in a ponytail.

"This will have to suffice...." I said gathering my stuff. When all was accounted for I took a glance out the window.

I looked outside, it was a western style town in the middle of what looked to be grassy plains. I could see farms dotting the hillsides in the distance. On the train station platform a few farmers and towns people were unloading goods, others were boarding the train.

I must have been staring at the town for a long time, the same obnoxious voice came over the intercom.


I unlocked the door to the cab and got several annoyed glances from those who wanted my spot.

I just kept walking, when I exited the door I was met with a rush of wind.

It smelled like fresh cut grass and dandelions. I took a deep breath, never wanting the smell to leave.

I stepped off of the train and onto the platform, as I looked around I didn't see any information booths or a place to gather information.

I walked around for a bit, poking in here or there; looking for the hospital I was supposed to be volunteering at.

I let out a disappointed sigh. "Juvia is lost......."

Suddenly I was tapped on the shoulder.

"Ma'am, are you looking for something?" I turned around, before me was a girl about five feet and two inches tall, she had distinct hay colored hair with a brownish tint. She wore a pink tank top and a faded denim button down shirt that was open and the sleeves were rolled up. On her hat a straw sun hat, with a white ribbon tied around the rim. She wore black All Stars and white cream colored pants. Overall she looked very trustworthy, she couldn't have been more than 15.

"Yes...Juvia is actually very lost...."

She nodded in understanding.

"Nice to meet you Juvia, you can call me Melody..." She smiled and shook my hand. "Juvia is pleased to meet you?" I said unsure of the greeting.
"Do you know how to get Juvia to the hospital?"
I asked her slightly embarrassed.

She nodded. "Follow me."

I followed her down the path for a few minutes when she decided to break the wall of science.

"Hospital? You? You don't look sick?" She asked me inquisitively.

I shook my head.

"Juvia is the wizard sent from Fairytail to protect the hospital for the next two months..."  I replied, her eyes widened for a second, then she laughed.

"You couldn't have met up with anyone else could you?"

I looked at her strangely. Eventually her laughing fit died down.
"What a coincidence....." She put her hands I her pocket as she started talking.

"Well let me introduce myself properly, my name is Dr. Melody Dragonnare, I'm the Doctor at the hospital that your protecting."

"Melody! A doctor?! Melody looks barely 14?!"

I shouted, surprised at the fact that the girl in front of me was the doctor who had asked for my assistance. She just smiled and put her hands behind her back. "Actually I'm eighteen I completed school very early and went to medical school...."

I continued to look at her in surprise. "Melody looks so young!"

She looked back at me. "When I was around thirteen I dabbled in magic, it went completely wrong and I ended up not aging..." She shrugged.

This girl continued to surprise me. "Melody is a wizard?!"

She shook her head no. "I used magic strictly once.....and that was only to save something......but I told myself I'm never going to use magic again....."

She looked to the ground. The church bell rang. "Oh, looks like we have to go!"

She started running in a direction different that before. "WAIT FOR JUVIA!" I called after her.  She turned and smiled at me. I started running, Melody was very fast.

I eventually caught up, out of breath I looked up at a small clinic looking house. "Th..this is the supposed to protect?"

I looked up at Melody, she nodded. "It isn't much, but it's where we treat the ill and injured. " She looked up at the building, almost as if she was mesmerized by it.

"So what is Juvia here to protect the Hospital from?" I asked her, my composure was now regained.

She looked at me and smiled. "Actually, I just needed an extra hand around here."

"So Juvia isn't fighting a monster?"

She shook her head no.

"Why did you call Juvia then?" I asked her, crossing my arms.

She put her hands behind her head and spoke.

"I knew every wizard has to know a little bit of medical knowledge before joining a guild, so I called one."

I continued to stare at her. "Why couldn't Melody have asked the towns folk?" I said, motioning to the towns people walking by.

"They can't learn anything medical to save their lives, literally." She calmly walked into the building, her voice trailing behind.

"Besides.....You looked sort of blue when you got off the train...,"

I shook my head. "What does Juvia chan feeling blue have to do with the mission?"

She poked her head out of the door. "Aha! I knew you looked blue!"

I rolled my eyes, I looked at the cobble ground and sighed.

I heard a knock at the door.

I looked up, Melody was leaning on the door frame arms crossed, a smirk present on her face.

"You coming in or not?"

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