Chapter 9

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Juvia's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to the soft beeping of the coffee pot.

For a month now, that is the only thing that has consistently woken me up every morning, however the time we call 'morning' varied.

The coffee pot could beep anywhere from 10am to 1am, you never know, because who needs sleep anyway?

Good thing that both Melody and I like coffee.

Scrunching my face I rolled over on my stomach, reaching for the alarm clock.

Through a blurry mess of colors I could see the faint glow of numbers.

I squinted, trying to convince myself that it was a later time.

"Why is Juvia being woken up at two in the morning........"

I sleepily said rolling back over, attempting to go back to sleep.

A flurry of knocks attacked my bedroom door.

"Come on! I know your awake! We got a patient!"

I groaned and rolled toward the door.

She cracked the for open, letting a beam of light shine directly in my eyes.

I covered them quickly with my hand, shadowing them from the blinding light.

"Hurrmy mup!" She pocked her head through, she was holding a piece of toast in her mouth whilst putting her hair up.

"Can Melody just see them......."

I pouted, hugging the pillow.

She flicked the lights to my room on.

I cowered, and receded to the pile of darkness that was the covers, hiding from the light.

"Juvia is so tired.....!" I whined.

"I don't have time for this! I got to get downstairs!"

She ripped the blanket off of me.

"Kya!" I curled into a ball, protecting my face.

"Meet you downstairs in five minutes!" Melody ran out of the room, I caught a glimpse of her putting on her lab coat, inside out for that matter, and rushed down the stairs.

"Hnnnnnnnnnnn!" I whined and sat up on the bed, still clutching the pillow.

On shaky, sleep deprived legs I stood up.

As I leaned over to put the pillow back, a sudden wave of nausea washed over me, I ran to the bathroom.

Luckily I made it to the toilet in time, where I proceeded to throw up the little dinner I had last night.

I flushed the toilet and whipped my mouth, on shaky legs I trudged to the sink.

The mint flavored toothpaste helped get the awful taste of vomit out of my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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