Chapter 7

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Juvia's POV (time skip one week)

"Man today was hectic!" Melody said, flopping down on the couch.

"Juvia agrees, thank you for letting me stay again." I smiled.
She waved me off. "No problem, always willing to help."

It had been decided a week ago that I would stay with Melody for the time being, Melody and I had become friends fairly quickly  and all the rooms at the hotel were full.

Melody lived in the space above the clinic, I asked her why she chose to live here instead of any where else, she says its because medicine doesn't have a close time.

I sighed and looked around the room. I was in the living room, my bed room down the hall and to the right, Melody's was on the same hallway but closest to the stairs.

The living room wasn't much, a couch a chair a coffee table and a television; in the corner by the window ,that overlooked the front of the building, was a desk.  Unlike the desk downstairs it was neatly organized, the wall in front of it covered in drawings of anatomy, as well as other things.

I was drawn out of my thoughts when I noticed Melody was an inch from my face.

"Kyaa!" I shouted. "Melody scared Juvia!"

I clutched my heart, feeling it race.

"Sorry......"she mumbled before regaining her energetic demeanor.

"Want to play truth or dare?"
She looked so eager. "Juvia wonders if Melody is actually a four year old...."

She stood up and pointed to her brain, a smirk etched in her face. "I'm an Eighteen year old, as tall as a ten year old  year old, who acts like a seven year old and has the brain of a genius!"

She crossed her arms and nodded, I couldn't help but giggle.

"So wanna play?" She asked again. "Juvia thinks so." I said smiling.

"YEAH!" She punched the air, she really wanted to play.

"Juvia wonders who goes first."

Melody thought for a moment.

"" She half asked half told me.

"Fine. Juvia wonders truth or dare."

She responded without thinking twice. "Truth!"

I thought of a question. "Why did you become a doctor?"

She thought for a moment. "I became a doctor........Because I wanted to help people!"

She smiled. "Your turn. Truth or dare!"

"Ummmm.....Juvia picks truth."

"Why do you speak in third person?"

"Juvia doesn't really know....Juvia has always done it...."

I looked at her, she shrugged. "Meh, good enough."

"Truth or dare?"


"Juvia wonders if that's all you pick?"

She looked at me, slightly embarrassed. "Just ask the question." She grabbed a pillow and started hugging it.

She looked funny embarrassed, I decided to make her feel more embarrassed.

"Juvia wonders if you have ever loved anyone?" I said smirking.

She looked at me and then looked at her pillow.

She was silent for a moment.

"Juvia is sorry if she-"

"It's okay.....I just...have never really loved anyone you know, never had crush......or anything...."

I looked at her in surprise.
"Juvia wonders what you mean?
Melody never had a crush?"

She shook her head no. "All through grade school I was the weird one that sat in tha back of th class and doodled." She chuckled. 

"Juvia wonders about middle school?!"
It can't be true that she NEVER had a crush on anyone. Guy or girl for that matter.

"Nope! I went to this private middle school to get ahead in my studies, they were very strict and didn't let any fraternizing or time for crushed. You barely ever saw a guy, let alone hang out with friends."

This is insanity. 

"What about high school?! Melody had to have more interaction with people there!l

She nodded. "Yeah, I met a lot of people; I actually went to the high school in town.

She motioned somewhere, I assumed she was pointing to the direction of the school.

She continued speaking.

"No crushes their either, I was focused on my studies. I REALLY wanted to get into Medical school early, so I studied almost day and night. Which meant no time for boys."

She smiled lightly.
"Juvia wonders how it is possible for someone to not have a crush on any body. You seem nice did Melody do something to make people not like her?"

She shook her head. "Nope, for the most part I think I was very kind; and I'm pretty sure that some of the boys at the schools I went to had a crush on me.

I remember in grade school I got a love letter, but I didn't need it so I threw it away. "

She shrugged again.
"What about in high school did anyone have a crush on you then?"

She thought about it for a few seconds than slowly nodded her head, almost as if she was counting something in her head.

"Melody never got asked out on a date? Juvia wonders why Melody is very pretty and smart?"
I was trying everything, this girl MUST have loved someone.

She looked up smiling. "Sure, plenty of people asked me out, both buys and girls....I understand the guys but the girl was a little weird..." She scratched her head. "I turned them down of course, I was in the middle of studying for my medical exams and I couldn't have time for much else....but now I wish I accepted some of those offers..."

She looked down at the pillow and then back up at me.

I sighed in defeat, this girl had truly not loved anyone.

"Truth or dare!"

"Juvia picks truth...?"

She pouted. "Nmm! Why don't you ever pick dare?!"

"Because Juvia is afraid of what you might make Juvia do..." I said, leaning away from Melody.


She tilted her head in thought and then smirked.

"Have you ever TRULY loved somebody?"

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