Chapter 6

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Juvia's POV
(it's going to be her POV a lot)

"So are you going to come in?"

I sighed.
I took a step forward, her words cut me off.

"You can still refuse, go back to your guild, your help would be appreciated; but do you want to stay and think things over here."

I looked up at her, her face was serious; her green eyes looking at me if this was a life or death decision.

I took a step back. "So what are you going to do?"

I looked at the cobble ground; studying its pattern.


I thought about what had just happened.


I thought about Gray...and how he didn't even say anything to me...


I thought about how I needed space, was taking a job really the space I needed? Was it just going to make it worse?


I thought about how he didn't love me, I thought about how I didn't actually know if he didn't love me.....

I know my answer.

I looked back up at Melody and took a deep breath. "Juvia is going to stay."

I clenched my fists waiting for an answer.

"Good, because we really do need the extra help." She smiled and walked toward me.

"Glad to have you here, and you can ask me for help any time."

I smiled and nodded. "Mn!"

Her eyes darted behind me, looking just past me. Her eyes were full of curiosity and she stretched her neck to see.

"We are really good to have you here, we just got another few patients...."

She rushed behind me; I turned to look.

She was walking into the middle of the crowded street, nothing seemed wrong.

Suddenly; a horse went wild and started kicking. Several barrels toppled over onto people.  Melody turned to me, rushing to the first victim.
"Juvia! Grab my bag! It should be to the right of the door on the counter!"

I turned to the door; faint shouts came from behind me. "If you can't find it ask Anna!"

"Juvia understands!" I said waving.

I reached the door and turned right; it was a nice little clinic with a white marble counter surrounding the secretaries desk; behind it sat an old woman. She had grey hair and glasses; over all she seemed very sweet.

"Ma'am do you know where Juvia can find Melody's bag?" I said looking around.

She looked up from her typing adjusting her glasses. "It's in her office to the left darling."

I turned around the room looking for an office. I searched for a bit when I came across one with a name plate.

"Dr. Melody Dragonarre."

I opened it; the office was a mess. The desk was covered in papers; and the bookshelves looked as if they were about to collapse from the weight of all the books.

Even though it was messy, it felt homey and welcoming. I smiled and continued to look for the bag.

Among all the clutter I found a small leather satchel. I grabbed it and ran out the door.

I watched as people were already moving the injured into rooms; I walked around the clinic looking for Melody.

"Umm.....Melody! Melody!" I called.

No reply. Great just what I need.

A big burly man was carrying a smaller injured man into one of the rooms. I accidentally bumped into him.

I cowered, not wanting to be yelled at by him.
Instead he just tiled his head. "Sorry Ma'am didn't see you there."

He continued walking. I stayed where I was, surprised; my experience fighting had led me to believe that all big buff and burly men were angry.

This town was full of surprises.

Suddenly I felt the skirt of my dress being pulled. I turned quickly to see what man had the audacity to do that, when I saw no one I was confused.
I was about to move on when I heard crying. I looked down to see a crying boy, he looked about three years old; I crouched down to him. "Juvia wonders what's wrong?"

"I can't find mommy...."
Among all the chaos it didn't seem unlikely. "Juvia wonders what she looks like?"

He looked up at me. "She has brown hair and is ummmm....." He continued to think. Getting know where I asked him another question. "Juvia wonders what she was wearing?" "She was wearing a yellow had pink flowers on-"

"Juvia? Sam?"

Both the boy and I looked up to see Melody, instead of the denim jacket she had put on a lab coat and had her hair tied back in a pony tail.

She walked over to us, passing by several people. "Be with you in a minute.." She murmured as she got passed the crowd.

When she finally reached us she let out an exhausted sigh.

"Mrs. Melody!" The boys eyes lit up. Melody walked over to the boy "Sam what are you doing here?" She said patting his head, Sam tackled her into a hug. I answered for him. "Sam told Juvia that he was lost and can't find his mother."

He turned to me, his words muffled because he was still hugging Melody. "I'm not lost...mommy told me to come here when I couldn't find her....." I nodded. 

A man bumped into me, and a woman bumped into Melody
"Ma'am, my leg hurts really badly..."
She nodded, standing up holding Sam on her hip. A woman bumped into the lady.

I could see Melody getting irritated.

"Juvia...Mrs. Langxton....Sam....please cover your ears....."

We did as told; when she saw that we did she yelled at the top of her lungs.


We all stood back, surprised that such a small thing could make so much noise.

The people were apparently shocked as well and started to migrate out the door, soon only about five remained.

"Phew, that sure was a lot of people..."

She looked over her shoulder at me. "Sorry bout that, we normally don't have many days like this...."

I sweatdropped and nodded slowly, still frightened from her sudden outburst.

She looked at me, her face portraying that she noticed something. "Oh, you found my bag."


I looked down at my hand, and sure enough the bag I was still their.

I smiled and let out a small laugh.

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