Chapter 1 - Dreamscape

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Dream 1

Dust and fire clouded my vision. Explosions rung in my ears like a funeral bell. The distant shouts of men falling victim to the cold hands of death echoed through the forests and fields. I ducked behind the little defense that I had, taking the chance to load another minié ball into my gun. I leaned against the cold, hard rock, and a soft hand grasped mine.

"Mark, I love you so much." Sean whispered, ducking as close to me as possible. His slightly long brown hair hung in front of his teary eyes.

"Sean, I promise you'll be safe." I held his hand tighter. I finished loading my gun and propped it on my shoulder. I gave him a swift kiss and let go of his hand. I stood up and shot at the men in gray uniforms that ran towards us. Sean tried to get up and fight, but I pushed him back down.

"The fight is almost over. They have so few men, they'll have to retreat." I shouted over the sounds of blasting guns. A man with blonde hair fell to the ground shouting. The minié ball had shattered the bone in his arm.

"Mark! I want to help! I need to keep you safe!" He got up and peeked over the boulder. He turned around and gasped. "MARK!" He shouted. A Confederate soldier was sneaking up from behind, trying to run up and get us when we weren't looking.

Sean bolted up, grabbing his knife with his one hand and grasping it tightly. The Confederate soldier aimed his gun at Sean as he ran at him, knife in hand ready to strike.

I jumped in front of Sean and pushed him out of the way. We fired at the same time.

I felt an awful pain in my chest. I fell backwards and hit the ground with a painful thud. Everything spun around me as my vision began to fade.

"YOU BASTARD!" Sean shouted at the wounded man, tears flowing down his face. The man lay helpless on the ground, shit in the stomach. Sean clutched his knife and stabbed him in between the eyes, killing him instantly.

He ran to my side. I heard the distant sounds of the drummer boys playing tunes of surrender. The battle was over.

"Oh, Mark..." He kneeled next to me. His hand stroked my face gently. His tears dripped from his chin and stained the collar of my old and torn uniform. "I love you so much..." He sobbed. He leaned down and kissed me lovingly.

"I love you too..." I groaned, my voice barely a whisper. My vision faded more, and I knew I was about to leave the earth.

"And I'm not going to let you die alone." He grabbed my pistol from my belt and put it up to his temple. I tried to stop him, but I was completely drained of life.

My vision turned completely black, and the last thing I heard was a gunshot.

Dream 2

Sean giggled as I climbed on top of him, slowly pushing him onto the bed. I kissed him slowly and passionately, moving with the rock of the boat. I lay little butterfly kisses across his jaw line until I reached his neck. I kissed and licked his neck as he let breathy moans escape his lips.

Suddenly there was a loud crash and the sound of people screaming. The boat jolted forward, and I hit my head on the headboard of the bed.

"Mark! Are you okay?" Sean asked worriedly as he climbed out from underneath me.

"Yes, I'm fine." I grunted and stood up. I grabbed his hand and headed for the door to our cabin. Several more people started screaming and panicking. "Something must have happened..." I looked to Sean. Tears of fear filled his eyes.

I opened the door, and a wave of ice cold air greeted me. I looked to the front of the boat to see an Iceberg had collided with the side of our ship. Sean squeezed my hand tighter. I ran, dragging him along with me, to the other side of the boat. However, before we could reach the other end of the ship, a loud creaking and crashing sounded from underneath my feet. People screamed, and a man with blonde hair tried to guide others to safety.

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