Chapter 23 - Walking the Floor Over You

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A bell rang through the house, and Helen straightened from dusting a low bookshelf in the library. She'd never heard that sound before. "Is that a doorbell?" she asked Annie.

"Yes, it is. I wonder who it could be?" Annie said, appearing just as surprised. The bell rang again, and Annie set down her rag. "I better answer it."

She left the room, and Helen followed her down the hall, curious about who had come to the house. During the months she'd lived there, no one had ever come unannounced before.

"Oh, hello," Annie said as she opened the door. "Do you want to come in?"

Helen didn't know who it was, but as Annie pulled the door wider and stepped aside, she saw Kitty. Her thick, dark hair was disheveled and her eyes were red. Oh, no, thought Helen. This had to be about Billy. "Billy isn't here, he's at work," she said, stepping forward.

"I know!" Kitty said, her voice breathless and panicked as she pushed strands of hair out of her eyes. "I tried to call him at the office, but they said he was working in the pit. I came here because I didn't know what to do!"

"Why? What's wrong?" Helen asked with alarm.

"Did he enlist in the army?" she asked, tears welling up in her eyes.

Had he not told her yet? This was terrible. She looked over Kitty's shoulder at Annie, not knowing what to say. Annie returned her gaze with pity and sadness.

"Did he?" Kitty demanded desperately.

"Yes, he did," Helen said gently, trying to soften the blow, but it didn't work. Kitty's face crumpled and she pulled a handkerchief out of the pocket of her dress as she began sobbing.

"Hey, don't cry," Helen said, putting her arm around Kitty's slender shoulders, and Kitty leaned into her, sobbing even harder.

Annie's eyes became red, looking like she was about to cry too while Helen felt her own emotions welling up.

"Let's go in the living room," she said, coaxing Kitty in that direction. "Maybe you could make us some tea?" she asked Annie over her shoulder as she steered the girl to the couch.

  "Maybe you could make us some tea?" she asked Annie over her shoulder as she steered the girl to the couch

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"Why didn't he tell me?" Kitty cried as they sat.

"I thought he had," Helen said.

"No! He didn't!" she said, wiping her eyes with the handkerchief. "Yesterday, he dropped me off at home so he could go out with the fellows. I thought he wanted to be alone so he could drink, but today – my friends called and asked about him enlisting. At first I didn't believe them. I said Billy wouldn't do that without telling me! But they insisted it was true. I don't understand," she said as more tears came. "Why did he do it?"

"You should probably ask him," Helen said, rubbing her arm in an attempt to soothe her.

"I can't believe he would do this. Why would he decide to fight in the war? What if something happens to him? What if he gets killed?" She pushed her handkerchief into her eyes while sobs wracked her body again, and Helen put her arms around her, blinking back her own tears.

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