Missing You

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Jeff and Ken slept for a good while before Jeff woke up. When he woke up, he looked at a sleeping Ken in his arms. He ran his hand down the side of Ken's body.

Feeling a hand run down the side of his body, Ken slowly woke up. His blue eyes looked up at Jeff as he smiled a little. "Hey baby," Ken spoke as he smiled looking at Jeff.

"Hey baby," Jeff spoke as he looked at Ken. He smiled as he leaned in and kissed his lips softly.

Ken smiled as he returned the kiss against his lips. "Hey love." He took a deep breath as he stretched a little. "I'm hungry now. What are we doing for breakfast?"

Thinking about it for a while, Jeff began to think the same thing. "Well how about some room service?" Jeff asked looking at Ken.

Nodding his head, Ken agreed to the room service. "That sounds fine to me babe."

Smiling hearing what Ken said, Jeff stretched out and reached over to the phone. Grabbing the phone, he called room service. He made an order for a ham and bacon omlet with ten sausage sticks with maple syrup and two cups of orange juice. Hanging up the phone, Jeff looked at Ken, "It will be here soon."

Ken kissed Jeff's lips softly. "I can't wait babe."

Letting out a small laugh, Jeff returned the kiss. "Well how about you go take a shower, and I will let you know when breakfast is here."

Ken whimpered a little hearing what Jeff said. "I'm comfy."

Jeff laughed again. "When you get out, you can have this spot back."

The frown turned into a smile. He quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to take a shower. He stripped his clothes off and stepped into the shower. He turned on the water and began to wash himself off.

Once Ken was dried and dressed, he came out and laid back down on the bed. He looked at Jeff with a smile on his face.

As they were cuddling, there was a knock on the door. "Room service."

Jeff stood up and opened the door. The server pushed the cart into the room. Pulling out some money, Jeff paid that and tip. He pushed the cart over to the bed as the server left.

Ken smiled as he watched Jeff sit down and began to feed him romantically. He ate the food as he pointed to his drink.

Seeing Ken pointing to the drink, Jeff picked up the drink and held the cup to his lips so Ken can drink. He smiled as he looked at Jeff. All of a sudden, Ken felt like he was going to puke.

Getting up, Ken made his way to the bathroom and puked into the toilet. He thought he was done, but he puked again. Not sure what was wrong, he shimmered home. He didn't want to scare Jeff.

Not hearing anything, Jeff began to wonder where Ken was. Getting up, Jeff knocked on the bathroom door to see if he needed any help or if he was okay. Not hearing anything, he began to panic. "Ken, are you okay?" He asked, waiting for an answer. He didn't answer, which made Ken panic even more. "Ken, please answer me." He pressed his ear to the door and didn't hear anything. His hand grabbed the door knob and turned it slowly. "Ken?"

Ken didn't answer. He had to find out why he was puking. Not having a family, he felt very confused. "What's wrong with me? I don't understand." Kneeling down, he began to cry. Tears ran down his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around his knees.

Back at the hotel, Jeff didn't understand. He thought that Ken now hated him. He felt so scared and lost. He wanted answers. How was he going to get them when Ken wasn't around. "Ken, please come back." Tears began to fall from his eyes.

Waiting a decent amount of time, Ken never answered which lead him to wonder why. Jeff pulled out his phone and tried calling Ken. His finger began to push buttons, then waiting for Ken to pick up. Not hearing anything, he began to fear the worst. "Ken, where ever you are, I'm sorry." Hanging up, he sighed as he sat on the bed. "What did I do Ken?"

Sighing a bit, Jeff grabbed his stuff and packed up. Before he left, he grabbed the shirt that Ken had worn when they were first in the hotel room. He figured it was the only way he'd feel Ken's body. "I'm going home if you hear me Ken."

Leaving the hotel room with his bags and the shirt, he left the hotel and took a taxi. The taxi took him to the airport.

When he arrived at the airport, Jeff got tickets to go home. He knew that he wasn't able to work without worrying about Ken.

Finally boarding the plane, Jeff found a seat and tried to relax. Closing his eyes, he tried to not think about Ken, but it was no use. Jeff kept imaging Ken returning.

During the flight home, Jeff just looked out the window. He took a deep breath as he tried not to cry, but his tears were already falling out of his eyes.

One of the flight attendants saw Jeff in tears. "Sir, did you want something?"

Nearly jumping out of his skin, Jeff looked at the attendant. He quickly wiped his eyes. "Uh, no. I'm fine, thanks." He lied, hiding the fact he only wanted Ken. His green yes saw the flight attendant leave. They looked back out the window. Images of him just falling flat from the sky, landing to a death. When the image ended, Jeff snapped out of it, seeing he was still in the air on the plane. He sighed as he sat back in the seat, head resting against the headrest. His eyes wondered around the plane.

Another flight attendant came through with drinks and little lunches. "Sir, do you want anything to drink or eat?" She asked with a smile on her face.

Jeff looked at the lady. He felt his stomach start to growl. He knew that he would be passing out if he didn't eat anything. "Yeah, sure."

The flight attendant nodded her head as she handed him a bottle of water. She noticed that Jeff didn't know what to get. "May I suggest a sandwich? They are cut into triangles."

Nodding his head, Jeff took the sandwiches. He began to nibble at the triangle cut sandwiches. When one of the triangles was eaten, Jeff took a sip of the water.

Once the plane landed, Jeff got off and went to grab his bags. Finally home, well not yet. He still had to get to his car. Dragging his bags to the car, he unlocked the door and tossed the bags into the back seat.

Once inside the car, Jeff drove home. He tried not to think of Ken, but he was on his mind. Pulling into the driveway, Jeff stopped and just sat there thinking. All he could see was Ken's face sitting in the middle of the steering wheel. He saw his lips saying that he loved him.

About thirty minutes later, Jeff's phone went off. Snapping out of it, Jeff grabbed the phone and opened it, "Ken? Is everything okay?" He asked, hoping it was Ken.

Cocking his brow, Matt wondered what his brother was talking about. "Jeff? Are you okay?" Matt asked.

A frown appeared on Jeff's face as he heard his brother's voice. "I don't know." He sighed as he frowned.

Hearing the sound of his brother's voice, Matt knew his brother wasn't okay. "Jeff, something is wrong. Please talk to me."

Jeff took a deep breath and began to talk. "Well, I'm taking time off. I don't feel the same anymore."

"I see. Well there was something wrong with me, and I need to tell you what's wrong with me. I'll wait till you're home."

Before Matt hung up, Jeff spoke, "I'm already home." Jeff didn't hear Matt hang up.

"Okay. I'll be there in a few." Matt hung up.

Time passed as Jeff waited for Matt to show up. He got out of the car. He didn't make it in side by the time Matt showed up. Just before he came up to him, Jeff could tell it wasn't good.

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